1. The Beachcomber's Dilemma

    Here's a data analysis question for all you Big Data folk.

    A beachcomber is interested in obtaining up to 10 examples of every type of shell present on a beach. The shells are individually easy to find, but some types are really rare and some are really abundant. The beachcomber …

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  2. Some early experience in teaching using ipython notebook

    As part of the 2012 Analyzing Next-Generation Sequencing Data course, I've been trying out ipython notebook for the tutorials.

    In previous years, our tutorials all looked like this: Short read assembly with Velvet -- basically, reStructuredText files integrated with Sphinx. This had a lot of advantages, including Googleability and simplicity; but …

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  3. DRAFT: A community-focused pre-publication data release and sharing policy for sequence data

    This is a draft proposal of a policy to encourage pre-publication data release and data sharing within a community. This policy is based on discussions at the Cephalopod Genomics Workshop (a Catalysis workshop sponsored by NESCent).

    Note, this is made available under a CC-BY-SA license permitting use and re-use with …

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