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  1. Partitioning with khmer is not my recommended approach any more

    I wrote the below in response to someone who e-mailed me about trying out our partitioning approach for metagenome assembly.

    yes, the original partitioning approach worked only on low coverage data sets. The main reason is that highly connected regions (repeats, from biology; and some kinds of sequencing errors) are …

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  2. Notes on the "week of khmer"

    Last week we wrote five blog posts about some previously un-publicized features in the khmer software - most specifically, read-to-graph alignment and sparse graph labeling -- and what they enabled. We covered some half-baked ideas on graph-based error correction, variant calling, abundance counting, graph labeling, and assembly evaluation.

    It was, to be …

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  3. Comparing and evaluating assembly with graph alignment

    One of our long-term interests has been in figuring out what the !$!$!#!#%! assemblers actually do to real data, given all their heuristics. A continuing challenge in this space is that short-read assemblers deal with really large amounts of noisy data, and it can be extremely hard to look at assembly …

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