Other articles

  1. DRAFT: A community-focused pre-publication data release and sharing policy for sequence data

    This is a draft proposal of a policy to encourage pre-publication data release and data sharing within a community. This policy is based on discussions at the Cephalopod Genomics Workshop (a Catalysis workshop sponsored by NESCent).

    Note, this is made available under a CC-BY-SA license permitting use and re-use with …

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  2. A simple idea: standard but optional review criteria for bioinformatics papers

    Brad Chapman (@chapmanb on twitter) wrote and signed a nice review of my submission to the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference. In his review, he said

    My only small suggestion is to include some discussion about your
    reproducibility work during the talk: the Amazon AMI, documentation
    and reproducible ipython workflows. This …
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