1. DIB jclub: Spaced Seed Data Structures for De Novo Assembly

    Note: at the Lab for Data Intensive Biology, We're trying out a new journal club format where we summarize our thoughts on the paper in a blog post. For this blog post, Camille wrote the majority of the text and the rest of us added questions and comments.

    Inanç Birol …

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  2. Notes on the "week of khmer"

    Last week we wrote five blog posts about some previously un-publicized features in the khmer software - most specifically, read-to-graph alignment and sparse graph labeling -- and what they enabled. We covered some half-baked ideas on graph-based error correction, variant calling, abundance counting, graph labeling, and assembly evaluation.

    It was, to be …

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  3. Comparing and evaluating assembly with graph alignment

    One of our long-term interests has been in figuring out what the !$!$!#!#%! assemblers actually do to real data, given all their heuristics. A continuing challenge in this space is that short-read assemblers deal with really large amounts of noisy data, and it can be extremely hard to look at assembly …

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