1. The Beachcomber's Dilemma

    Here's a data analysis question for all you Big Data folk.

    A beachcomber is interested in obtaining up to 10 examples of every type of shell present on a beach. The shells are individually easy to find, but some types are really rare and some are really abundant. The beachcomber …

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  2. Welcome to my new blog!

    I've just moved my blog over to Pelican, a static blog generator that takes in reStructuredText and spits out, well, this! I'm now using Disqus for commenting, too.

    The main motivations for the move (apart from slightly better theming) were to escape dynamic-blog-land in favor of static-blog-land, while enabling a …

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  3. A call for open lab and reusable lab protocols

    About a year ago, I came across a really interesting Science paper entitled "Rapid and inefficient isolation of single cells from soil". In it, the authors -- from a well-known lab at UC Davis -- described how they used low-percentage agarose gels to extract thousands of individual cells from a soil sample …

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  4. Some early experience in teaching using ipython notebook

    As part of the 2012 Analyzing Next-Generation Sequencing Data course, I've been trying out ipython notebook for the tutorials.

    In previous years, our tutorials all looked like this: Short read assembly with Velvet -- basically, reStructuredText files integrated with Sphinx. This had a lot of advantages, including Googleability and simplicity; but …

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