The future of khmer (2013 version)

So, I got this grant. And, um, it looks like khmer has a future, which means... so does my lab.

Some background

What is khmer?

khmer is my lab's software for doing various things to sequencing data, and is largely focused on providing good demo implementations of low-memory data structures and efficient -- often streaming, single-pass -- algorithms relating to de novo assembly.

khmer has been fairly successful in some ways, starting with my posting of it as a low-memory way to scalably count k-mers, followed by the publication of a paper on how to build de Bruijn graphs on Bloom filters, aka 'partitioning', and continuing with the posting of a preprint on efficient streaming lossy compression of shotgun sequencing data sets, aka 'digital normalization'. In addition to having a user population somewhere in the dozens to the hundreds (note: we don't really have any way to keep track accurately, so this is anecdotal), people have incorporated ideas from khmer & our pubs into the Minia genome assembler, the Trinity mRNAseq assembly pipeline and the Mira assembler. A number of papers have come out that use khmer in various ways, mostly taking advantage of the diginorm stuff.

For me, the biggest change has been that many previously unachievable assembly problems are now relatively simple and straightforward. I think our most technically impressive paper to date is our paper on assembling previously unassemblable metagenomes. However, digital normalization (and its derivative, in silico normalization) has probably been most widely used for mRNAseq, where it can convert a previously intractable de novo assembly task into something quite do-able.

All in all, not bad for five years, starting from 0 (knowing nothing about assembly) and going to about 50 (being able to assemble just about anything but soil). We can do contig assembly of ridiculously large metagenome data sets but ultimately this is an infinite assembly problem, and my grants for that keep on getting rejected; still, I have hope.

What's the goal of khmer?

I nominally "direct" my lab, which really means fund, lead, and lead astray -- I consider myself kind of a chaos monkey in lab meetings, for better or for worse. I take a similar approach to software development, albeit with a bit more of a direction. So it can be a bit hard to define a goal.

One thing that khmer is: it's a test bed for trying to implement good software development practices in an academic setting. Not sure how successful I've been at that -- I talk a good game, but we still don't do (for one example) continuous integration. The first software engineer I hired for khmer, specifically, had experience working on large projects in physics and elsewhere; it's pretty clear that khmer was far below his standards for a project!

I'm also trying to use khmer as a test case to show that a core library of reusable code can be used to more effectively do computational science: better science through superior software! That has been amply validated thus far, and new and additional results will be emerging over the next months and years as we expand khmer with additional functionality.

khmer is also a test bed for development of new algorithms and data structures, and demo implementations of these algorithms. Diginorm itself is about a 5 line Python program, once you have an online k-mer counter; partitioning is, in theory, not much more complicated until you hit large-scale problems. Some of our new code is going to be a bit more complex than diginorm, but we really are trying to KISS and provide software that implements a scalable and usable version of our core theoretical and computational ideas.

khmer is definitely not intended to be the one true software implementation of our ideas. There are two reasons for this: first, I believe both ideas and software should be remixable and remixed in order to advance science better; and second, we don't have the funding to support its broad use. I do get a bit testy with people that implement our ideas more poorly than the khmer implementation, but I understand why they do it; especially for stuff like diginorm, importing the whole khmer codebase is silly. (If you've written an assembler, diginorm is, literally, 5 lines of code on top of that code.)

What's the future of khmer?

As I indicated in my post on the new multithreaded read parsing coming to khmer, at the moment we don't have much energy or focus to spend on optimizations, incremental improvements, and sanding down the corners of the software. We're instead focusing on "shooting for the moon", expanding khmer to do things like streaming error correction, variant calling, and infinite assembly.

There are two reasons for this focus on big projects and advances.

First, I'm an academic, running a research lab. My output is supposed to be focused on high-impact, go-for-broke stuff. Mind you, I am expected to do this while carefully limiting myself to safe grant-fundable projects that are unlikely to fail; writing incremental papers that I can get easily published; and graduating students -- but that tension is just part of the fun academic game, amiright?

Second, we don't have the funding. To really make our approaches a viable option for many people, we'd have to expand our focus to include a much wider range of things, such as: user interfaces; better documentation; integration with existing pipelines; more fiddly features that people need (or think they need); collaborations with large groups; etc. This requires attention and focus and effort, by highly trained personnel that aren't emphasizing cutting edge research. This requires money. Moolah. Cash. Cabbage.

We don't have it.

Oh, wait. That's the news!

We've got money!

The big news is this: our BIG DATA grant proposal, Low memory Streaming Prefilters for Biological Sequencing Data, has been funded as a 3-year NIH R01. And yes, this is the grant where the reviewers specifically recognized open source, blogging, and community engagement as a positive.

I would also like to claim the extra bonus points for receiving this grant during the sciquester ;).

Of the grants I wrote last year, this was probably the biggest shot in the dark. The BIG DATA competition was very visible and highly competitive, and very cross domain -- so I had to write the grant in such a way as to convince non-biologists that this was an important issue. When I heard that my reviews were positive, I was completely floored; when I read them, I was even more surprised.

So what does this funding mean?

I quote from above:

To really make our approaches a viable option for many people, we'd have to expand our focus to include a much wider range of things, such as: user interfaces; better documentation; integration with existing pipelines; more fiddly features that people need (or think they need); collaborations with large groups; etc.

That. That is what this funding means.

More specifically,

  1. New features. We've already got prototype code working for a lot of the aims of this grant, including: streaming reference-free mapping of reads; streaming error correction of genomic, metagenomic, and mRNASeq data; and streaming variant calling. But the code isn't efficient, well-tested in isolation (esp on real data), or integrated into pipelines that other people might use. That is going to require a lot of effort.

    I also want to play around with dynamically sized bloom filters, reasonably efficient but non-probabilistic graph representations, and mechanisms for distributed implementations of the streaming algorithms.

  2. Cloud computing. We also want to benchmark the heck out of it in realistic situations, so that we can examine the tradeoffs and understand what will happen on crummy hardware, limited memory, bad I/O, etc. I'm personally less interested in specialized hardware than in commodity or rental compute, which is (sorta by definition) what everyone actually has.

  3. Integration with user interfaces. While not part of this grant, a lot of khmer was developed with the ultimate goal of connecting with end-users. I'd like to engage with Galaxy, KBase, and (especially) iPlant to see if we can better integrate with their workflows and UIs.

A big part of my focus going forward is going to be theory. There is are massive distinctions between a good idea ("hey, I bet diginorm could work!"), an implementation ("hey, diginorm works on this real data set!"), and a solid understanding ("hey, diginorm will always work under this range of conditions/data sets/etc."). The latter is most valuable, but trickiest. If we really want to produce a solid set of widely usable data structures and algorithms, we need to be able to define when they are and aren't usable or worthwhile.

What else does this funding mean?

Let's just say that an R01 helps my tenure case at MSU more than my klout score ever will.

Does it mean anything ELSE?

I think the most important thing here is that this is funding for MY research program. It's not collaborative funding for my part in someone else's project; it's not center funding; it's not supplemental funding on a big grant; it's specifically targetted at what I have been working on for five years, and based on what I've actually accomplished. So it's a great big confidence boost & a good career sign overall.

What hasn't been funded?

Oh, lots of things. The one I'm most frustrated by is my NSF CAREER proposal, which was rejected a few weeks back. I think it's a bit ironic that the one kind of work that has never been funded in my lab is the metagenome assembly work, which is the only place we've published, and probably where I'm best known and the work is most needed. Sigh.

Still, this funding is a great start, and a good sign for the future!


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