1. Twitter Ho!

    OK, I'm going to try out twitter for the first time, in order to see if it works out at PyCon for keeping track of what's going on and letting people know what I'm up to. I guess you have to e-mail me to get in touch with me, though …

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  2. PyCon review process

    We're going through the PyCon '09 review process, and participating in the process has been pretty interesting. (I joined the Program Committee in large part because I was told to put up or shut up after I critiqued PyCon '08. Ahh, the open source world... where you're encouraged to go …

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  3. PyCon '07 Talk -- source code

    I've put together a brief discussion, with links to the source code, surrounding the demos I did at PyCon '07 during my testing tools talk. Here's a brief TOC:

    # Demo 1: Testing CherryPy
    # Demo 2: Testing CherryPy without exec'ing a process
    # Demo 3: Basic code coverage analysis with figleaf
    # Demo …
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