Sourmash LCA databases now available for the GTDB taxonomy GTDB databases! read more There are comments.
Comparing two genome binnings quickly with sourmash Comparing two sets of MAGs, for fun and profit! read more There are comments.
Things to think about when developing shotgun metagenome classifiers Thoughts on goals and tradeoffs in classifying shotgun metagenome data. read more There are comments.
Why are taxonomic assignments so different for Tara bins? (Black Friday Morning Bioinformatics) A more refined taxonomic analysis read more There are comments.
How specific are k-mers for taxonomic assignment of microbes, anyway? K-mers are pretty specific at the genus level. read more There are comments.
Classifying genome bins using a custom reference database - maybe this time it'll work? Classifying genome bins with a custom database! Another try! read more There are comments.
Grokking "custom" taxonomies. Sometimes things disagree with NCBI. What then? read more There are comments.