Grokking "custom" taxonomies.

(Some more Saturday/Sunday Morning Bioinformatics...)

A while back I posted some hacky code to classify genome bins using a custom reference database. Much to my delight, Sarah Stevens (a grad student in Trina McMahon's lab) actually tried using it! And of course it didn't do what she wanted.

The problem is that all of my least-common-ancestor scripts rely utterly and completely on the taxonomic IDs from NCBI, but anyone who wants to do classification of new genome bins against their own old genome bins doesn't have NCBI taxonomic IDs. (This should have been obvious to me but I was avoiding thinking about it, because I have a whole nice pile of Python code that has to change. Ugh.)

So basically my code ends up doing a classification with custom genomes that is only useful so far as the custom genomes match NCBI's taxonomy. NOT SO USEFUL.

I'd already noticed that my code for getting taxonomic IDs from the Tara binned genomes barfed on lots of assignments (see script links after "used the posted lineages to assign NCBI taxonomic IDs" in this blog post). This was because the Tully and Delmont genome bins contained a lot of novel species. But I didn't know what to do about that so I punted.

Unfortunately I can punt no more. So I'm working on fixing that, somehow. Today's blog post is about the fallout from some initial work.

Statement of Problem, revisited

We want to classify NEW genome bins using Genbank as well as a custom collection of OLD genome bins that contains both NCBI taxonomy (where available) and custom taxonomic elements.

My trial solution

The approach I took was to build custom extensions to the NCBI taxonomy by rooting the custom taxonomies to NCBI taxids.

Basically, given a custom spreadsheet like this that contains unique identifiers and a taxonomic lineage, I walk through each row, and for each row, find the least common ancestor that shares a name and rank with NCBI. Then the taxonomy for each row consists of triples (rank, name, taxid) where the taxid below the least common ancestor is set to None.

This yields assignments like this, one for each row.

[('superkingdom', 'Bacteria', 2),
 ('phylum', 'Proteobacteria', 1224),
 ('class', 'Alphaproteobacteria', 28211),
 ('order', 'unclassifiedAlphaproteobacteria', None),
 ('family', 'SAR116cluster', None)]

So far so good!

You can see the code here if you are interested.

Problems and challenges with my trial solution

So I ran this on the Delmont and Tully spreadsheets, and by and large I could compute NCBI-rooted custom taxonomies for most of the rows. (You can try it for yourself if you like; install stuff, then run

python db/genbank/{names,nodes}.dmp.gz tara-delmont-SuppTable3.csv > tara-delmont-ncbi-disagree.txt
python db/genbank/{names,nodes}.dmp.gz tara-tully-Table4.csv > tara-tully-ncbi-disagree.txt

in the 2017-sourmash-lca directory.)

But! There were a few places where there were apparent disagreements between what was in NCBI and what was in the spreadsheeet.

Other than typos and parsing errors, these disagreements came in two flavors.

First, there were things that looked like minor alterations in spelling - e.g., below, the custom taxonomy file had "Flavobacteria", while NCBI spells it "Flavobacteriia".

confusing lineage #15
    CSV:  Bacteria, Bacteroidetes, Flavobacteria, Flavobacteriales, Flavobacteriaceae, Xanthomarina
    NCBI: Bacteria, Bacteroidetes, Flavobacteriia, Flavobacteriales, Flavobacteriaceae, Xanthomarina
(2 rows in spreadsheet)

Second, there were just plain ol' disagreements, e.g. below the custom taxonomy file says that genus "Haliea" belongs under order "Alteromonadales_3" while NCBI claims that it belongs under order "Cellvibrionales". This could be a situation where the researchers reused the genus name "Haliea" under a new order, OR (and I think this is more likely) perhaps the researchers are correcting the NCBI taxonomy.

confusing lineage #12
    CSV:  Bacteria, Proteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Alteromonadales_3, Alteromonadaceae, Haliea
    NCBI: Bacteria, Proteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Cellvibrionales, Halieaceae, Haliea
(2 rows in spreadsheet)

See tara-tully-ncbi-disagree.txt and tara-delmont-ncbi-disagree.txt for the full list.

I have no conclusion.

I'm not sure what to do at this point. For now, I'll plan to override the NCBI taxonomy with the researcher-specific taxonomy, but these disagreements seems like useful diagnostic output. It would be interesting to know what the root cause of this is, though; do these names come from using CheckM to assign taxonomy, as in Delmont et al's workflow? And if so, can I resolve a lot of this by just using that taxonomy? :) Inquiring minds must know!!

Regardless, I'm enthusiastic about the bit where my internal error checking in the script catches these issues. (And hopefully I'll never have to write that code again. It's very unpleasant.)

Onwards! Upwards!


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