Looking for a Django Reader

I've just finished the last rough draft of a short e-book, An Intro to Testing Web apps with twill and Selenium. The book has four sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. twill intro
  3. Selenium intro
  4. Testing an app with twill and Selenium

The "app" being tested in #4 is just the very simple poll app from the Django tutorial, and I'd like to get some comments from a Django expert (which I am not!) I'm particularly interested in thoughts on how to distribute the app for readers, but I also want a gut check from someone who knows this stuff cold. Any takers? Let me know.

(The e-book will be available sometime in the next few months from O'Reilly, for people who are generally interested in these topics. It should cost about $10.)

cheers, --titus

Legacy Comments

Posted by Stan on 2007-05-22 at 19:40.

What format will the ebook be available in?  This is something I'd be
interested in buying since I have Django app I need to learn to test

Posted by Adam Goucher on 2007-05-23 at 13:11.

My guess it will be a PDF. The fact that it is under $10 and from
O'Reilly implies that it will be a 'Short Cut'.    -adam

Posted by Titus Brown on 2007-05-23 at 13:42.

Adam: yep.    --titus

Comments !
