Reviews for paper, "These are not the k-mers you are looking for"

A few months back, we submitted a paper, These are not the k-mers you are looking for: efficient online k-mer counting using a probabilistic data structure, to PLoS One. We got the (signed) reviews back in December, and I asked the reviewers if I could post their reviews publicly. They said yes! So here they are.

The editorial decision was "revise", so we are in the process of revising (almost done, in fact :). I will also post our responses.

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

  1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly

Please explain (optional).

Reviewer #1: Counting k-mers is an important problem in bioinformatics, whith several applications. This paper describes an implementation for counting k-mers in an online fashion with probabilistic guarantees on the counts. The motivation of developing such an applications as well as the memory, speed, accuracy tradeoffs are well handled.

Reviewer #2: The authors describe a probabilistic k-mer counting algorithm and implementation that performs well in IO-limited and memory-limited architectures. Their idea is innovative, it has already been adopted and extended by several other authors (while the manuscript was in pre-publication). In this manuscript, the authors apply khmer to two data analysis cases: read trimming and digital normalization. The application of khmer to read trimming appears to be a good idea, because of the one-sided trimming errors, high-abundance data is always retained. Figures 6 and 7 provide an interesting analysis of these one-sided errors. I found the section regarding digital normalization to be superficial, although the topic itself is quite promising. The article is well-written, and apart from specific remarks formulated below, the conclusions are well-supported by data. Also, it should be noted that this research is exceptionally well-reproducible, as the authors provide an extensive tutorial for re-creating all the figures on publicly available machines.

Major remarks:

1) The authors performed benchmarks on rather small datasets. For the purposes of comparing different algorithms and evaluating features such as miscounts, this is fine. However, the claim that khmer can analyze production data is not supported. The largest read dataset used in the manuscript is of size 5 GB, which is two orders of magnitude lower than a HiSeq 2500 run. The number of distinct k-mers is also several times lower than in an actual mammalian sequencing experiment, and at least an order of magnitude lower than in metagenomics runs. Therefore, I would recommend the authors to show the results of, at least, a single khmer run on a large (> 100 GB) dataset, either metagenomic or large genome.

2) The Section “Using khmer for digital normalization, a streaming algorithm” has several weaknesses: (i) it is missing a key conclusion, (ii) it explores the topic superficially, ((iii) and (iv)) some statements are unclear ((iii) and (iv)).

(i) The authors mention that “previous work did not explore the lower bound on memory usage for effective digital normalization.”, implying that this work does. However, Tables 4 and 5 report at least 40 MB of memory for the E. coli dataset, which, according to Table 3, has 22e6 distinct k-mers. If my back-of-the-envelope calculation is correct, the whole memory usage is 14 bits per k-mer, which is several times higher than the results of [Pell et al 2011]. Furthermore, Tables 4 and 5 indicate that the normalized datasets at mem=40 MB still appear to be of reasonable quality (only 0.02% drop in coverage). Thus, it is unclear whether 40 MB is a tight lower bound for the memory usage of digital normalization on this dataset.

(ii) Digital normalization is a very interesting topic, but it is only superficially treated in this section. Applying it on a tiny E. coli dataset, without reporting statistics of the un-normalized assembly, is unsatisfactory. Also, large/local-misassemblies statistics were not reported, the authors should use the tool QUAST. I recommend that the authors focus on extending the results of Table 4 to guide users towards selecting optimal memory usage for khmer / digital normalization. For instance, it is now clear that for an E. coli dataset one can use khmer with 40 MB of memory (by the way, what was the sketch size?), but how should one set the khmer parameters for larger datasets?

(iii) The following statement seems false (page 8). “[..] digital normalization can be efficiently implemented as a streaming algorithm in which the majority of k-mers in a data set are never loaded into the counting structure”. My understanding of khmer is that it loads all k-mers in the CountMin Sketch.

(iv) The authors refer to Trinity in-silico normalization as a non-streaming algorithm. However, for their evaluation, they use a three-pass digital normalization, which effectively requires to read the input data three times. So, in effect, both processes are non-streaming.

3) Section “Sequencing error profiles can be measured with k-mer abundance profiles” appears to be missing some key content. Figure 7 shows the number of unique k-mers per read position. How does this translate to sequencing error profiles: e.g. percentage of errors per base, or percentage of errors per base at position i, for i less than the read length? Note also that looking at unique k-mers only offers a partial picture of sequencing errors. For instance, when an error is seen in two or more reads, the erroneous k-mers will have abundance > 1.

Minor remarks:

4) page 2: “Z hash tables are allocated, each with a different size of approximately H bytes” A single variable (H) appears to correspond to Z different sizes. The authors could either use H_1, ..., H_Z, and/or explain why the hash tables need to have different sizes, while they are all close to a single size H.

5) Perhaps the citations [15] and [17] could be updated, now that they’ve been published in resp. NAR and Bioinformatics.

6) page 4: Section title “khmer counts k-mers efficiently” is misleading, as it deals only with accessing existing k-mer counts. How about replacing it by “khmer accesses k-mer counts efficiently”? The performance of khmer is impressive in that section, nonetheless.

7) The labels of x- and y- axes of Figures 5 and 6 are unclear. Why is the meaning of “offset > 0” in the x-axis? Also, the caption and main text both use the term “miscount” but the axes refer to “offsets”.

8) It would be good to show how abundance-based read trimming differs from classical quality-based trimming methods. Could you run, e.g. seqtk, and report how many bases were trimmed?

9) The caption of Table 5 reads “We assembled digitally normalized reads using 3-pass digital normalization“. Perhaps the author meant that the reads were digitally normalized using the 3-pass method, then assembled using Velvet?

10) Although the authors did a convincing job at comparing Khmer with other methods, it would still be interesting to see a comparison with KMC and Turtle.

11) This is a software-related remark. I wanted to test khmer on my machine (Linux SL 6.2), on the cluster of my institution (Linux RHEL5) or a dedicated server (Linux Centos 6.4). But all these systems ship with Python 2.6 and cannot be easily upgraded to Python 2.7 by running a single command. Is there another way, if so, could you put it in khmer docs? This might be a small technical detail but it could potentially limit other end-users, especially those who do not have root access on their machine.

12) It should be noted that all the formulas providing estimations of collision rates in the CountMin Sketch are approximations, also they rely on hash function assumptions that are not necessarily met in the implementation (although, in practice, most hash functions work well).

  1. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: N/A

Please explain (optional).

Reviewer #1: (No Response)

Reviewer #2: (No Response)

  1. Does the manuscript adhere to standards in this field for data availability?

Authors must follow field-specific standards for data deposition in publicly available resources and should include accession numbers in the manuscript when relevant. The manuscript should explain what steps have been taken to make data available, particularly in cases where the data cannot be publicly deposited.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Please explain (optional).

Reviewer #1: (No Response)

Reviewer #2: (No Response)

4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors below.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Please explain (optional).

Reviewer #1: pg1, line -8: "reads increases the total number", comma missing between reads and increases. ideally you should rephrase the sentence or split up into two parts.

pg1, line -4, BFCounter does not have a dash, repeated throughout the manuscript

pg 2, line 5 Sentence starts with "And", remove or fix.

pg 4, line 7 in 2nd para Melsted et al., the reference has only two authors, should be Melsted and Pritchard depending on the reference style used.

pg 4, line 2 in 5th para "simulated k-mers", this is a bit ambiguous, you mean the randomly generated k-mers, and not simulated reads from a genome, right?

pg 4, line 6 "constant in retrieval time", Tallymer should be log and Jellyfish constant in retreival time (if you discard the loading time), also "independent of the size of the database" would be clearer here.

Reviewer #2: (No Response)

  1. Additional Comments to the Author (optional)

Please offer any additional comments here, including concerns about dual publication or research or publication ethics.

Reviewer #1: Major edits.

Deterministic lower bound. The guarantees on the counts are stated on page 3, i.e. the probability of the count being wrong. Later in the paper the authors note that the reported answer can never be lower than the true value. I think it would be good to move this discussion to the first section of the results, since this is an important property needed later on. It would also be good to indicate why this is the case.

CountMin Sketch vs. Counting Bloom filter The authors describe their implementation as a CountMin Sketch, but it could also be described as a Counting Bloom filter. I believe CBF would be more appropriate given the usage here. CMS was designed and analyzed for streaming algorithms to detect heavy hitters, the bounds on the errors were derived assuming you had multiple collisions and the amount of memory used was independent of the input size (i.e. streaming algorithm). CBF predates CMS and a lot more work has been done on extending this work which would be beneficial to the implementation. I have no issue with the authors picking one name over the other, but they should add a section discussing the use of both terms and cite appropriate literature. Additionallky the error analysis on CBF has been more widely studied compared to CMS.

Usage of streaming and online. The algorithm described for counting k-mers is an online algorithm, i.e. we can query the counts at any time given the data we have seen so far. Streaming algorithms impose an additional restriction, in the sense that they require memory that is sublinear in the size of the input. How we measure the size of the input might depend on applications, but the number of reads or the number of distinct k-mers might be reasonable. In any case no general counting algorithm can do better than linear in this sense, so there are no streaming algorithms for counting. The authors use "streaming" and "online" interchangeably throughout the paper, e.g. DSK is not a streaming algorithm, etc. The exception is digital normalization, which could be classified as streaming, although there is no formal analysis, in this case the size of the k-mer count data structure would need to be sublinear (in which case any online data structure would do). The authors should fix this and use the proper terms where appropriate.

Parallel speedup. Both Jellyfish and khmer are run in parallel mode, using many cores simultaneously. From the scripts one can see that 8 threads were used for both programs. What I would like to see is how well khmer scales with multiple cores, i.e. run with 1,2,4,8, .. threads, up to the number of cores and see how much speedup is gained. Granted it will not be linear because of I/O overhead, but it would be nice to see that throwing more cores at the problem helps.

Fixed memory pg 6, paragraph 5 The authors claim that the memory usage is fixed, but compared to what. Generally with streaming algorithms we fix the error rate and probability of failure and in this case fixed means independent of the size of the input (or logarithmic). In this setting if we fix the error rate, the memory usage will be linear in the size of the input. Although one can argue that the constants are much better, and this is really important in practice, this does not imply "fixed memory usage". Please fix this issue (no pun intended).

pg 6, line 4-5 "Note that ...", this is no longer true, the previous implementation was single threaded and [8] compared single threaded to multithreaded. The current version on is multithreaded and competitive in speed. I ran comparisons with Jellyfish on 1,4, and 8 threads and it achieves similar speedups on the same data sets used in the papers

Command lines used for running BFCounter:

BFCounter count -k 22 -n 360000000 -t 8 -c 100000 -o iowa.1 -b 4 iowa_prairie_0920.fastq.1
BFCounter dump -k 22 -i iowa.1 -o iowa.1.txt

Parameter selection:

The memory usage of both khmer and Jellyfish is dependent on the estimated number of k-mers present. For the file iowa_prairie_0920.fa.1, Jellyfish was run with -s 701472602, i.e. 700M 22-mers, whereas khmer was run with --hashsize 1476277798 (1400M) k-mers. Given that there are approx 500M distinct 22-mers in the file how were the parameters selected. The authors describe finding the -s parameter for jellyfish that keeps everything in memory (the table sizes are powers of two), but how was the parameter chosen for khmer?

minor edits pg1, line -8: "reads increases the total number", comma missing between reads and increases. ideally you should rephrase the sentence or split up into two parts.

pg1, line -4, BFCounter does not have a dash, repeated throughout the manuscript

pg 2, line 5 Sentence starts with "And", remove or fix.

pg 4, lines 3-4 "Here .. outperforming jellyfish", looking at the graph this is not supported, it seems that khmer is much faster.

pg 3, line -9 it should be noted that khmer's memory usage is not dependent on k because the kmers are stored implicitly in the data structure. Also the total number of k-mers from error reads grows with k (up to half the read length) so that affects the memory usage as well (although equally for all software).

pg 4, line 7 in 2nd para Melsted et al., the reference has only two authors, should be Melsted and Pritchard depending on the reference style used.

pg 4, line 2 in 5th para "simulated k-mers", this is a bit ambiguous, you mean the randomly generated k-mers, and not simulated reads from a genome, right?

pg 4, line 6 "constant in retrieval time", Tallymer should be log and Jellyfish constant in retreival time (if you discard the loading time), also "independent of the size of the database" would be clearer here.

Reviewer #2: (No Response)

Comments !
