1. Google's AppEngine OneThousand

    At Google Campfire One, v 2.0 -- introducing AppEngine.

    IT'S FREEZING. The cider ran out. Brr.

    Deploying Web apps is annoyingly difficult. Technical hurdles, etc. Need machines. Blech. Costly.

    AppEngine solves all these problems. Runs web apps, handles app lifecycles, apps are run on Google infrastructure can make use of …

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  2. 2008 Summer Internship at Disney Animation

    Please send this on to anyone who might be interested...

    Disney Animation has an opening for a summer intern to work on a testing project under the supervision of Paul Hildebrandt and Dr. C. Titus Brown. The ideal candidate will have experience with a dynamic language supporting introspection (Python preferred …

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  3. Yahoo is bouncing my mail server's e-mail.

    On top of dreamhost dropping off the 'net just when I posted a bunch of screencasts... our socal-piggies meeting nearly got whacked because this month's organizer uses Yahoo, and most of the messages going through my mail server (which hosts the mailing list) were filed as "spam".

    Now Yahoo is …

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  4. peekaboo and associated screencasts

    The simple application I demoed at PyCon '08 during my talk on the OLPC and testing is now available: I call it "peekaboo".

    peekaboo is a way to watch your code being executed in another process using sys.settrace, figleaf, and XML-RPC.

    The two screencasts below should explain it.

    The …

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