1. Managing student expectations for open-source projects

    On the heels of my aggressive competence post, about (among other things) my failure to outline my expectations for students, I've started putting together a page to help manage student expectations for the pony-build project, which is participating in the Undergraduate Capstone Open-Source Projects (UCOSP) course this term.

    (Please comment …

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  2. A Tale of a Bug

    or, "those python-dev people are awesome."

    My experience with the Python bug tracker has been pretty sparse and largely limited to some of the eternaissues like "make HTMLParser deal with even more broken HTML" that never really get resolved because they're not very important and don't have a champion. So …

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  3. Lazyweb query: CloudStore (or KosmosFS)

    Does anyone have any experience with CloudStore, formerly known as KosmosFS? From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CloudStore:

    CloudStore (KFS, previously Kosmosfs) is Kosmix's C++ implementation of
    Google File System. ... CloudStore supports incremental scalability,
    replication, checksumming for data integrity, client side fail-over and access
    from C++, Java and Python.

    The …

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