snakemake for doing bioinformatics - inputs and outputs and more!

input: and output: blocks

As we saw before, snakemake will automatically "chain" rules by connecting inputs to outputs. That is, snakemake will figure out what to run in order to produce the desired output, even if it takes many steps.

We also saw that snakemake will fill in {input} and {output} in the shell command based on the contents of the input: and output: blocks. This becomes even more useful when using wildcards to generalize rules, where wildcard values are properly substituted into the {input} and {output} values.

Input and output blocks are key components of snakemake workflows. Below, we will discuss the use of input and output blocks a bit more comprehensively.

Providing inputs and outputs

As we saw previously, snakemake will happily take multiple input and output values via comma-separated lists and substitute them into strings in shell blocks.

rule example:
       "output file1.txt",
       "output file2.txt",
   shell: """
       echo {input:q}
       echo {output:q}
       touch {output:q}

When these are substituted into shell commands with {input} and {output} they will be turned into space-separated ordered lists: e.g. the above shell command will print out first file1.txt file2.txt and then output file1.txt output file2.txt before using touch to create the empty output files.

In this example we are also asking snakemake to quote filenames for the shell command using :q - this means that if there are spaces, characters like single or double quotation marks, or other characters with special meaning they will be properly escaped using Python's shlex.quote function. For example, here both output files contain a space, and so touch {output} would create three files -- output, file1.txt, and file2.txt -- rather than the correct two files, output file1.txt and output file2.txt.

Quoting filenames with {...:q} should always be used for anything executed in a shell block - it does no harm and it can prevent serious bugs!

Digression: Where can we (and should we) put commas?

In the above code example, you will notice that "file2.txt" and "output file2.txt" have commas after them:

rule example:
       "output file1.txt",
       "output file2.txt",
   shell: """
       echo {input:q}
       echo {output:q}
       touch {output:q}

Are these required? No. The above code is equivalent to:

rule example:
       "output file1.txt",
       "output file2.txt"
   shell: """
       echo {input:q}
       echo {output:q}
       touch {output:q}

where there are no commas after the last line in input and output.

The general rule is this: you need internal commas to separate items in the list, because otherwise strings will be concatenated to each other - i.e. "file1.txt" "file2.txt" will become "file1.txtfile2.txt", even if there's a newline between them! But a comma trailing after the last filename is optional (and ignored).

Why!? These are Python tuples and you can add a trailing comma if you like: a, b, c, is equivalent to a, b, c.

So why do we add a trailing comma?! I suggest using trailing commas because it makes it easy to add a new input or output without forgetting to add a comma, and this is a mistake I make frequently! This is a (small and simple but still useful) example of defensive programming, where we can use optional syntax rules to head off common mistakes.

Inputs and outputs are ordered lists

We can also refer to individual input and output entries by using square brackets to index them as lists, starting with position 0:

rule example:
   shell: """
       echo first input is {input[0]:q}
       echo second input is {input[1]:q}
       echo first output is {output[0]:q}
       echo second output is {output[1]:q}
       touch {output}

However, we don't recommend this because it's fragile. If you change the order of the inputs and outputs, or add new inputs, you have to go through and adjust the indices to match. Relying on the number and position of indices in a list is error prone and will make your Snakefile harder to change later on!

Using keywords for input and output files

You can also name specific inputs and outputs using the keyword syntax, and then refer to those using input. and output. prefixes. The following Snakefile rule does this:

rule example:
       a="output file1.txt",
       c="output file2.txt"
   shell: """
       echo first input is {input.a:q}
       echo second input is {input.b:q}
       echo first output is {output.a:q}
       echo second output is {output.c:q}
       touch {output:q}

Here, a and b in the input block, and a and c in the output block, are keyword names for the input and output files; in the shell command, they can be referred to with {input.a}, {input.b}, {output.a}, and {output.c} respectively. Any valid variable name can be used, and the same name can be used in the input and output blocks without collision, as with input.a and output.a, above, which are distinct values.

This is our recommended way of referring to specific input and output files. It is clearer to read, robust to rearrangements or additions, and (perhaps most importantly) can help guide the reader (including "future you") to the purpose of each input and output.

If you use the wrong keyword names in your shell code, you'll get an error message. For example, this code:

rule example:
       a="output file1.txt",
   shell: """
       echo first input is {input.z:q}

gives this error message:

AttributeError: 'InputFiles' object has no attribute 'z', when formatting the following:

       echo first input is {input.z:q}

Example: writing a flexible command line

One example where it's particularly useful to be able to refer to specific inputs is when running programs on files where the input filenames need to be specified as optional arguments. One such program is the megahit assembler when it runs on paired-end input reads. Consider the following Snakefile:

rule all:

rule assemble:
    shell: """
        megahit -1 {input.R1} -2 {input.R2} -o {output}

In the shell command here, we need to supply the input reads as two separate files, with -1 before one and -2 before the second. As a bonus the resulting shell command is very readable!

Input functions and more advanced features

There are a number of more advanced uses of input and output that rely on Python programming - for example, one can define a Python function that is called to generate a value dynamically, as below -

def multiply_by_5(w):
    return f"file{int(w.val) * 5}.txt"

rule make_file:
        # look for input file{val*5}.txt if asked to create output{val}.txt
    shell: """
        cp {input} {output:q}

When asked to create output5.txt, this rule will look for file25.txt as an input.

Since this functionality relies on knowledge of wildcards as well as some knowledge of Python, it's too advanced to talk about here. More on that later!

References and Links

params: blocks and {params}

As we saw above, input and output blocks are key to the way snakemake works: they let snakemake automatically connect rules based on the inputs necessary to create the desired output. However, input and output blocks are limited in certain ways: most specifically, every entry in both input and output blocks must be a filename. And, because of the way snakemake works, the filenames specified in the input and output blocks must exist in order for the workflow to proceed past that rule.

Frequently, shell commands need to take parameters other than filenames, and these parameters may be values that can or should be calculated by snakemake. Therefore, snakemake also supports a params: block that can be used to provide parameter strings that are not filenames in the shell block. As you'll see below, these can be used for a variety of purposes, including user-configurable parameters as well as parameters that can be calculated automatically by Python code.

A simple example of a params block


rule use_params:
        val = 5
    output: "output.txt"
    shell: """
        echo {params.val} > {output}

Here, the value 5 is assigned to the name val in the params: block, and is then available under the name {params.val} in the shell: block. This is analogous to using keywords in input and output blocks, but unlike in input and output blocks, keywords must be used in params blocks.

In this example, there's no gain in functionality, but there is some gain in readability: the syntax makes it clear that val is a tunable parameter that can be modified without understanding the details of the shell block.

Params blocks have access to wildcards

Just like the input: and output: blocks, wildcard values are directly available in params: blocks without using the wildcards prefix; for example, this means that you can use them in strings with the standard string formatting operations.

This is useful when a shell command needs to use something other than the filename - for example, the bowtie read alignment software takes the prefix of the output SAM file via -S, which means you cannot name the file correctly with bowtie ... -S {output}. Instead, you could use {params.prefix} like so:

rule all:

rule use_params:
    input: "{prefix}.fq",
    output: "{prefix}.sam",
        prefix = "{prefix}"
    shell: """
        bowtie index -U {input} -S {params.prefix}

If you were to use -S {output} here, you would end up producing a file reads.sam.sam!

Links and references:

Using expand to generate filenames

Snakemake wildcards make it easy to apply rules to many files, but also create a new challenge: how do you generate all the filenames you want?

As an example of this challenge, consider the list of genomes needed for rule compare_genomes from before -

rule compare_genomes:

This list is critical because it specifies the sketches to be created by the wildcard rule. However, writing this list out is annoying and error prone, because parts of every filename are identical and repeated.

Even worse, if you needed to use this list in multiple places, or produce slightly different filenames with the same accessions, that will be error prone: you are likely to want to add, remove, or edit elements of the list, and you will need to change it in multiple places.

Previously, we showed how to change this to a list of the accessions at the top of the Snakefile and then used a function called expand to generate the list:

ACCESSIONS = ["GCF_000017325.1",


rule compare_genomes:
        expand("{acc}.fna.gz.sig", acc=ACCESSIONS),

Using expand to generate lists of filenames is a common pattern in Snakefiles, and we'll explore it more below!

Using expand with a single pattern and one list of values

In the example above, we provide a single pattern, {acc}.fna.gz.sig, and ask expand to resolve it into many filenames by filling in values for the field name acc from each element in ACCESSIONS. (You may recognize the keyword syntax for specifying values, acc=ACCESSIONS, from input and output blocks, above!

The result of expand('{acc}.fna.gz.sig', acc=...) here is identical to writing out the four filenames in long form:


That is, expand doesn't do any special wildcard matching or pattern inference - it just fills in the values and returns the resulting list.

Here, ACCESSIONS can be any Python iterable - for example a list, a tuple, or a dictionary.

Using expand with multiple lists of values

You can also use expand with multiple field names. Consider:

expand('{acc}.fna.{extension}`, acc=ACCESSIONS, extension=['.gz.sig', .gz'])

This will produce the following eight filenames:


by substituting all possible combinations of acc and extension into the provided pattern.

Generating all combinations vs pairwise combinations

As we saw above, with multiple patterns, expand will generate all possible combinations: that is,

X = [1, 2, 3]
Y = ['a', 'b', 'c']

rule all:
      expand('{x}.by.{y}', x=X, y=Y)

will generate 9 filenames:,,,, etc. And if you added a third pattern to the expand string, expand would also add that into the combinations!

So what's going on here?

By default, expand does an all-by-all expansion containing all possible combinations. (This is sometimes called a Cartesian product, a cross-product, or an outer join.)

But you don't always want that. How can we change this behavior?

The expand function takes an optional second argument, the combinator, which tells expand how to combine the lists of values the come after. By default expand uses a Python function called itertools.product, which creates all possible combinations, but you can give it other functions.

In particular, you can tell expand to create pairwise combinations by using zip instead - something we did in one of the wildcard examples.

Here's an example:

X = [1, 2, 3]
Y = ['a', 'b', 'c']

rule all:
      expand('{x}.by.{y}', zip, x=X, y=Y)

which will now generate only three filenames:,, and

The big caveat here is that zip will create an output list the length of the shortest input list - so if you give it one list of three elements, and one list of two elements, it will only use two elements from the first list.

For example, in the expand in this Snakefile,

X = [1, 2, 3]
Y = ['a', 'b']

rule all_zip_short:
      expand('{x}.by.{y}', zip, x=X, y=Y)

only and will be generated, as there is no partner for 3 in the second list.

For more information see the snakemake documentation on using zip instead of product.

Getting a list of identifiers to use in expand

The expand function provides an effective solution when you have lists of identifiers that you use multiple times in a workflow - a common pattern in bioinformatics! Writing these lists out in a Snakefile (as we do in the above examples) is not always practical, however; you may have dozens to hundreds of identifiers!

Lists of identifiers can be loaded from other files in a variety of ways, and they can also be generated from the set of actual files in a directory using glob_wildcards.

Examples of loading lists of accessions from files or directories

Loading a list of accessions from a text file

If you have a simple list of accessions in a text file accessions.txt, like so:

File accessions.txt:


then the following code will load each line in the text file in as a separate ID.

Snakefile to load accessions.txt:

with open('accessions.txt', 'rt') as fp:
    ACCESSIONS = fp.readlines()
    ACCESSIONS = [ line.strip() for line in ACCESSIONS ]

print(f'ACCESSIONS is a Python list of length {len(ACCESSIONS)}')

rule all:
        expand("{acc}.sig", acc=ACCESSIONS)

rule sketch_genome:
    shell: """
        sourmash sketch dna -p k=31 {input} --name-from-first -o {output}

and build sourmash signatures for each accession.

Loading a specific column from a CSV file

If instead of a text file you have a CSV file with multiple columns, and the IDs to load are all in one column, you can use the Python pandas library to read in the CSV. In the code below, pandas.read_csv loads the CSV into a pandas DataFrame object, and then we select the accession column and use that as an iterable.

File accessions.csv:

GCF_000017325.1,genome 1
GCF_000020225.1,genome 2
GCF_000021665.1,genome 3
GCF_008423265.1,genome 4

Snakefile to load accessions.csv:

import pandas

CSV_DATAFRAME = pandas.read_csv('accessions.csv')

print(f'ACCESSIONS is a pandas Series of length {len(ACCESSIONS)}')

rule all:
        expand("{acc}.sig", acc=ACCESSIONS)

rule sketch_genome:
    shell: """
        sourmash sketch dna -p k=31 {input} --name-from-first -o {output}

Loading from the config file

Snakemake also supports the use of configuration files, where the snakefile supplies the name of the a default config file (which can in turn be overridden on the command line.)

A config file can also be a good place to put accessions. Consider:

- GCF_000017325.1
- GCF_000020225.1
- GCF_000021665.1
- GCF_008423265.1

which is used by the following Snakefile.

Snakefile to load accessions from config.yml:

configfile: "config.yml"

ACCESSIONS = config['accessions']

print(f'ACCESSIONS is a Python list of length {len(ACCESSIONS)}')

rule all:
        expand("{acc}.sig", acc=ACCESSIONS)

rule sketch_genome:
    shell: """
        sourmash sketch dna -p k=31 {input} --name-from-first -o {output}

Here, config.yml is a YAML file, which is a human-readable format that can also be read by computers. We will talk about config files later!

Using glob_wildcards to load IDs or accessions from a set of files

We introduced the glob_wildcards command briefly in the post on wildcards: glob_wildcards does pattern matching on files actually present in the directory.

Here's a Snakefile that uses glob_wildcards to get the four accessions from the actual filenames:

GLOB_RESULTS = glob_wildcards("genomes/{acc}.fna.gz")

print(f'ACCESSIONS is a Python list of length {len(ACCESSIONS)}')

rule all:
        expand("{acc}.sig", acc=ACCESSIONS)

rule sketch_genome:
    shell: """
        sourmash sketch dna -p k=31 {input} --name-from-first -o {output}

This is a particularly convenient way to get a list of accessions, although it can be dangerous to use this. In particular, it is easy to accidentally delete a file and not notice that a sample is missing! For that reason we suggest providing an independent list of files to load for many situations.

Wildcards and expand - some closing thoughts

Combined with wildcards, expand is extremely powerful and useful. Just like wildcards, however, this power comes with some complexity. Here is a brief rundown of how these features combine.

The expand function makes a list of files to create from a pattern and a list of values to fill in.

Wildcards in rules provide recipes to create files whose names match a pattern.

Typically in Snakefiles we use expand to generate a list of files that match a certain pattern, and then write a rule that uses wildcards to generate those actual files.

The list of values to use with expand can come from many places, including text files, CSV files, and config files. It can also come from glob_wildcards, which uses a pattern to extract the list of values from files that are actually present.

Links and references

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