1. The story behind "Scaling Metagenome Assembly with Probabilistic de Bruijn Graphs"

    This is the story behind our PNAS paper, "Scaling Metagenome Assembly with Probabilistic de Bruijn Graphs" (released from embargo this past Monday).

    Why did we write it? How did it get started? Well, rewind the tape 2 years and more...

    There we were in May 2010, sitting on 500 million …

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  2. Paper draft: Scaling metagenome sequence assembly with probabilistic de Bruijn graphs

    (updated to point to http://arxiv.org/).

    Authors: Jason Pell, Arend Hintze, Rosangela Canino-Koning, Adina Howe, James M. Tiedje, C. Titus Brown


    The memory requirements for de novo assembly of short-read shotgun sequencing data from complex microbial populations are an increasingly large practical barrier to environmental studies. Here we …
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  3. Data Intensive Science, and Workflows

    I'm writing this on my way back from Stockholm, where I attended a workshop on the 4th Paradigm. This is the idea (so named by Jim Gray, I gather?) that data-intensive science is a distinct paradigm from the first three paradigms of scientific investigation -- theory, experiment, and simulation. I was …

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