ref my talk at CSUPERB, "Data Science is, like, the new critical thinking!" --
Training and teaching - the home base for Data Carpentry, which runs two day workshops around the world and has an instructor training program that teaches people to teach their materials. - the home base for the UC Berkeley "Foundations of Data Science" course. All open/free materials running with open source tools.
Reading and background
Influential works in Data-Driven Discovery , a paper by Mark Stalzer and Chris Mentzel, that outlines topics that probably fit within the "data science" field.
Project Jupyter: Computational Narratives as the Engine of Collaborative Data Science , a grant proposal by the Jupyter team.
Some Web sites worth visiting - a Web site for running Jupyter Notebooks in the cloud, for free! Try out my Monty Hall problem notebook! (or see the source ).
Media for thinking the unthinkable by Bret Victor - an inspiring video lecture that I happened across as I was preparing my talk...
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