First, I write a recipe file, 'metagenome.recipe', laying out my job description for, say, sequence trimming and assembly with Velvet:
fasta_file soil-data.fa qc_filter min_length=50 remove_Ns=true graph_filter min_length=400 velvet_assemble k=33 min_length=1000 scaffolding=True
Then I specify machine parameters, e.g. 'bigmem.conf':
[defaults] n_threads=8 [graph_filtering] use_mem=32gb [velvet] needs_mem=64gb
And finally, I run the pipeline:
% ak-run metagenome.recipe -c bigmem.conf
If I have cloud access (and who doesn't?) I can tell the pipeline to spin up and down nodes as needed:
% ak-aws-run metagenome.recipe -c bigmem.conf
(Bear in mind most of these tasks are multi-hour, if not multi-day, operations, so I'm not too worried about optimizing machine use and re-use.)
Hadoop jobs could be spawned underneath, depending on how each recipe component was actually implemented.
As for testing reproducibility of pipeline results, which is the short-term motivation here, I can store results for regression testing with later versions:
% ak-run metagenome.recipe -c bigmem.conf --save-endpoint=/some/path
and then compare:
% ak-run --check-endpoint=/some/path
Now, does anyone know of a package or packages that actually do this, so I/we don't have to write it??
See texttest and ruffus for some of my inspiration/interest.
Legacy Comments
Posted by Nick Loman on 2011-03-11 at 10:35.
I've been playing with EC2 the last few days and want something similar. Packages that look potentially interesting include: Fabric (Python lib for controlling bunches of servers either local or remote) MIT Starcluster - roll a proper MPI-capable cluster on EC2 Kokki (config management) <a href=""></a>
Posted by Greg Wilson on 2011-03-11 at 13:01.
Why not ruffus itself?
Posted by Titus Brown on 2011-03-11 at 14:01.
ruffus doesn't seem to handle any of the configuration or setup or data management; isn't it primarily for dependency management? That's not a big problem for me; we know the recipes and they don't change. But maybe I'm missing something?
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