Easily Accessible Web-Based Tools For Analyzing Next-Generation Sequencing Data From Agricultural Animals

Just submitted this on Thursday:

Next generation sequencers are beginning to impact agricultural biology. Over the next few years, next generation sequencing will produce incredibly large datasets that will address structural (e.g., SNPs, CNVs, indels, methylation, translocations) and functional (e.g., RNA expression, transcription factor binding sites) variation in genomes that will provide detailed insights that could explain phenotypic variation. Despite this immense power, next generation sequencing in agricultural animals will not be used effectively due to the lack of easy-to-use computational tools to support data analysis, and the unique needs of agricultural animal genomes. We propose to build an easy-to-use Web interface that incorporates several existing mapping and post-mapping analysis programs for next generation sequencing data that will greatly empower agricultural researchers. We will also provide solutions to issues such as unfinished and unannotated assemblies, private data sets, private annotations, etc. Our tools will give individual investigators or small groups with no computational support the power to utilize and interpret next generation sequencing data.

Any guess as to the funding agency? Yep....

The exciting life of a professor continues!


Legacy Comments

Posted by foo on 2009-05-16 at 21:53.

Please exclude entries such as this from the feed you send to

Posted by Titus Brown on 2009-05-16 at 23:25.

Err, why?  It's about software engineering.

Comments !
