Projects for people new to Python

Hi all,

I need to find some useful projects for new, young contributors, especially in the area of 3rd party packages; we've been thinking about things like porting 3rd party packages to Py3K, adding tests to existing projects, and providing Windows binary eggs for various packages. Everything would be open source, contributed back to the projects, etc., of course.

We're mainly looking for fairly small individual projects: nothing terribly big or complicated.

Please dump brain => comments section, or just e-mail me directly.

thanks, --titus

Legacy Comments

Posted by Carl on 2007-11-19 at 23:36.

I hope you collect some good ideas. I am sure there are plenty of
people of all levels of coding that would like a good starting point
to get involved in the community, learn new skills, and get involved
with open source software in general.     I hope so anyway. I look
forward to seeing the suggestions.

Posted by John Mark Schofield on 2007-11-20 at 02:14.

I'm interested in the submissions. How many have you received to date?
Care to publish a sample?

Posted by pfctdayelise on 2007-11-20 at 03:07.

What about <a href="">NLTK</a>? Be quite
fun if you're interested in languages, and there's many possible
threads that could be picked up and worked on fairly discretely.

Posted by Titus Brown on 2007-11-20 at 03:25.

John: I've received zero, apart from the NLTK suggestion.  For which I
give thanks to pfctdayelise ;)    See    <a
stdlib.html</a>    for a (very successful!) alternate tack that I took
;)    And watch this space for announcements...    --titus

Posted by ulrik on 2007-11-20 at 06:31.

Um reinteract is a cool and new python project. It is a whole new app
in Python but it also needs supporting modules.    <a href="http://fis">

Posted by Kyle on 2007-11-20 at 09:42.

(I work for a non-profit that does patent work in the developing
world.)  I'd love to see the following:    - simple py app (web or
gui) to access EPO's Open Patent Services: <a
href=""></a>    -
ditto for NCBI/PUBMED's eutils: <a href="
z/query/static/eutils_help.html</a>    - django
( app for tracking/researching patents
Also, as a student of Chinese:    - web app that keeps track of your
vocabulary in a new language and presents you with daily news stories
that contain X% words you know, with definitions for others sucked
from StarDict dictionaries.    Others:    - Gui wrapper around
libgmail ( for sending email with
variable substitution, e.g. "Hi $(NAME) , great to see you $(TIME)."

Posted by Zeroth on 2007-11-20 at 10:54.

Hey Titus, a few ideas for ya:    -PyPy, they always need people to
test, write tests, debug code.    -Contact the devs of Django and
CherryPy, see if they need any help.    -Or take a look at the vaults
of parnassus for any interesting projects that may need help, testing,
whatever: <a href="">
/</a>    This is a cool thing you're doing. :D

Posted by Chris Perkins on 2007-11-20 at 16:22.

I am looking for a few people to join me on the dbsprockets project.
dbsprockets is a system designed to integrate SQLAlchemy and
Toscawidgets, making it easier for developers to create forms on a
Pylons or TG web application.  Most of the low-level design is in
place, I am working on flushing things out a bit.  I could use someone
who is proficient in JS and CSS and would like to learn more about the
guts of Pylons and/or TG and is willing to do TDD.  This is a short
term project expected to be finished by the end of the pycon sprints.
Thanks for the call out Titus.  -chris

Posted by infixum on 2007-11-20 at 18:25.

A bit esoteric, but a way of incorporating geostats and 3d
interpolation (kriging) into scientific python - this comes up about
once every 4 months or so as a topic on the SciPy list.  The responses
mostly suggest wrapping an existing library.

Posted by Mattie on 2007-11-20 at 21:00.

<a href="">
m</a>    We could use some help writing game addons and core libraries
for Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 2 and the like. It's really more
of a community effort to enhance the game and publish addons on <a hre
.    Still, a huge number of teens and young adults are getting their
first scripting experiences working on  their own addons and libraries
for others to use.    The Python engine for CS:S just went live, so
we're enjoying the excitement there.

Posted by Mark Szpakowski on 2007-11-21 at 12:00.

Python is one of the main languages for the <a
href="">One Laptop Per Child</a> computer. Do
something for it, and you'll affect millions of kids (and adults)
world-wide. Give One, Get One - act before Nov 26th.

Posted by Titus Brown on 2007-11-28 at 00:29.

See    <a href="
announce.html</a>    for my motivation for this post...

Comments !
