Dear Lazyweb: JavaScript "imagemaps" and/or image subselection?

Dear Lazyweb, help!

I'm embarking on a number of summer projects in my new lab at MSU, and several of them focus on using pygr to do cool genomic stuff. In particular, I'm planning to build a personal genome annotation system that will let people run their own full genome Web sites and annotate the genomes with private information such as Solexa data, cDNA/EST projects, ChIP-seq, cis-regulatory reporter constructs, ncRNA predictions, etc. etc. (If you're interested in this sort of thing, get in touch -- it will, of course, be open source and open development, albeit in Python :)

As I've been thinking more about how to do the display side of things, I've been running headfirst into a serious lack of knowledge. I would like to make an interface that looks somewhat like your standard genome browser/GMOD/UCSC interface, such as this UCSC view of the chicken genome. I already have the basics of that view working; for example, see this simple example and a group-feature example. But I'd like to add more - a LOT more -- interactivity.

Ideally I'd like to be able to draw simple objects (squares, rectangles, lines) on some sort of canvas and then use JavaScript and AJAX to pop up windows and display bits of information. But I don't really know this space of functionality very well.

So I'm turning to the lazyweb.

Are JavaScript+image maps the right way to go (for example, this, this, and this)? Do they work well with multiple browsers? Or are there good JS libraries for drawing images on the fly in the browser? Is SVG a good thing to look at? Were you stuck with this task, what would you use?

The most important things for this project are, in order of importance:

  • basic functionality (JS image maps seem fine for this)
  • cross-browser functionality
  • selection (e.g. GMOD RubberBandSelection)
  • flexibility: reordering and redrawing of images.

Your thoughts are much appreciated! Please drop me a line or comment, whichever is most convenient. I'll summarize the options.



p.s. I'm perfectly fine with "Google this, dumby!" I just don't have much in the way of google keyword knowledge in this area...

Legacy Comments

Posted by Theran on 2008-05-07 at 20:55.

Image maps work on all modern browsers. You can calculate the regions
on the server side at the same time you generate the image. Doing it
on the server means you can use Python instead of JS. This method does
not allow click-and-drag creation of windows etc.    For click-and-
drag windows, I would use the YUI image cropper JS widget: <a href="ht
/yui/imagecropper/</a>  and avoid having to reinvent the wheel.    I
would steer clear of SVG for now. It's here, it's standard, but it's
not broadly well implemented.     The &lt;canvas&gt; element works
well for drawing with JS, but it is not quite standard and does not
work on IE IIRC.

Posted by Mike Pirnat on 2008-05-07 at 21:29.

I've not monkeyed with it personally, but Dojo has <a
dijit-and-dojo/drawing-gfx">a graphics library</a> that might be
decent for drawing on the fly in the browser.  I like a lot of the
other bits of Dojo, so... maybe worth a look?

Posted by Clint on 2008-05-07 at 21:56.

Hi Titus.    I haven't tried this specific plugin, but I'm a big
JQuery fan.    <a href="">http:/
/</a>    -Clint

Posted by Noah Gift on 2008-05-07 at 23:39.

I second the JQuery idea.  This is my current favorite javascript
library, and I find it sucks less than many.

Posted by Sean Gillies on 2008-05-08 at 12:53.

You can do cool stuff with OpenLayers. For example: <a

Posted by Dean Landolt on 2008-05-08 at 13:09.

Thirded...but isn't that MochiKit's tagline ("sucks less")?    Image
maps are almost as old as HTML, so I'd imagine their cross browser
support is solid. I've never stressed them as hard as you're
suggesting, but they see a ton of use in sites like Facebook.    Even
if you do choose to go down this route, resist the temptation to roll
your own image map library. Lean on the idioms of a library plugin
that addresses your problems (

Posted by brentp on 2008-05-08 at 17:15.

good to hear there'll be work on pygr.    as Sean says, dont look past
openlayers.   i have a modest addition which restricts the scrolling
to horizontal:  <a href="
browser/"></a>  and a Genomic.js
Layer.   it's pretty easy to use with any cgi script as it sends a
request like:  ?chr=7&amp;layers=gene,CDS&amp;version=6&amp;start=5070
56&amp;stop=539824&amp;width=512    and by making use of openlayers,
you tap into a very well tested, well supported system with a good
developer community, and you get lots of cool stuff for free:  <a href

Posted by Doug Napoleone on 2008-05-09 at 19:42.

Just released, just in time for this question:    <a href="http://ejoh"></a>
check it out...

Comments !
