1. Wireless data uplink

    Dear lazyweb,

    does anyone have any thoughts on how to get a relatively inexpensive wireless data uplink to the Internet from a Mac OS X laptop? We're going to be spending some time in a location with decent cell coverage but no wi-fi, and I'd like to be able to …

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  2. The Cartwheel Project: Tools for Regulatory Genomics

    It's been a busy few weeks, in part because I've been writing a grant. Last Thursday, I submitted a grant proposal to NIH for their program announcement, Continued Development and Maintenance of Software. The proposal was to continue maintaining Cartwheel, while integrating a new visualization frontend (MUSSA) and a fast …

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  3. A disappointing SoC experience

    I was the official mentor for a Google Summer of Code student this year -- Martin van Loewis was "technical mentor" -- and I found it to be a disappointing experience. At the beginning, I felt guilty about not being more on the ball about pushing the student to do more work …

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  4. SciPy '07: General Report

    Last week, SciPy 2007 came to Caltech. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend many of the talks because I was busy with lab work and other deadlines, and because SciPy was held immediately upstairs from my lab I could just duck out to go back to work. However, I did …

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