Calling all Pythonistas,

What is your personal list of "modules you love and hate" -- stdlib modules that you use all the time, but that have weak documentation, poor examples, or are otherwise difficult to use the first time?

Here are five modules that I think could use some documentation help:

  • re (hidden, maybe not -- but I always have trouble reading the docs!)
  • xmlrpclib (once you know you need it and how to use it, it's great!)
  • datetime (check out the "Examples" section!)
  • ConfigParser (no examples whatsoever!)
  • wsgiref (ditto - and who knows they need it?)

What are your five, and why?

cheers, --titus

Legacy Comments

Posted by jesse on 2007-11-16 at 07:31.

* select  * ditto on xmlrpclib  * unittest (examples.)  * ditto on
ConfigParser  * UserDict    More as I think of them :)

Posted by infixum on 2007-11-16 at 08:22.

datetime - I'm not going to complain about the doc; I'm just glad it's
in the standard library.  shutil - for a newb to programming or a Unix
based system, the name doesn't betray it's most useful functions
(moving files - presumably shutil is an abbreviation for shell
utility.)  csv - Really, no problem with the doc - it just took some
adjusting after processing comma delimited text the old (prior to 2.3)
way.  Another one where I'm just glad that it's there now.  time -
good module, once you understand the concept of the Unix timestamp.
Very useful.  Getting your head around Unix timestamps as a newb takes
a little effort - explaining it to customers takes a lot.  math - I
came from a different programming environment - it took me a while to
figure out that these functions aren't built in (I always forget to
import math).    All in all, using these modules taught me a good bit
and made my code more readable.  If you're a seasoned computer
programmer who has worked on something other than Windows, all of
these would probably come a good bit easier.    My 2 cents.

Posted by Terry Peppers on 2007-11-16 at 09:24.

1. re :: Still to this very day, I couldn't tell you what the
difference is between search and match. I read these docs once a week,
it seems.    2. logging :: Never had any success using anything but
logging.basicConfig().    3. os.path :: So many methods, so few
examples.     4. csv :: Again with the examples. Two weeks ago I had a
"pipe-delimited" file and couldn't figure out how to set that as the
delimiter. Mental note - and kind of duh! - reader =
csv.reader(open("tp_is_a_moron.csv", "rb"), delimiter='|')    5.
pprint :: Incredibly useful, but indent, depth and width while
mentioned don't have any examples.

Posted by Pete on 2007-11-16 at 09:59.

* SocketServer.  Actually, it never gets any easier.  You'd think
sockets couldn't get any more complicated, but you'd be wrong.   *
itertools.  Instead of equivalent python code, how about some
doctests?   * wsgiref - sure, but it's not helped by the fact that the
WSGI standard is absurdly complicated to begin with.  Yes, it's nice
that we have a standard, but jeez, what sins did we commit in a past
life to deserve this one?   * dbapi - not a module, but I needed to
use it a lot before it finally sank in.   * attribute magic,
metaclasses & custom comparisons - again, not  modules and
inherently complex, but the docs don't help matters.

Posted by John Montgomery on 2007-11-16 at 10:16.

struct I think is quite a good hidden gem.  Obviously not
<em>always</em> useful, but it does make working with simple binary
structures fairly easy.

Posted by Derek on 2007-11-16 at 12:20.

I wrote out an example for just about every kind of functionality in
ConfigParser while trying to learn how to use it. It's amazingly
useful. I guess I need to add those to the wiki.

Posted by Doug Winter on 2007-11-16 at 12:32.

urllib2 is very useful, but really hard to use and poorly documented.
The logging package is fantastic, but utterly impenetrable to the
casual user.

Posted by Pete on 2007-11-16 at 14:09.

glob: This is an often used, one word answer I give to fellow
programmers.    imp: Want to load a python module not on sys.path?
StringIO: I wish it was a builtin type.    pprint: Must have
traceback: The simple print functions are a simple way to log
conditions but not raise a full exception

Posted by Roberto on 2007-11-16 at 14:11.

itertools -- a fantastic module, but with shallow documentation that
doesn't tell you where you could use it.    bisect -- I always have to
do some testing to remember how it works.    operator -- same as
itertools.    mmap -- could use more documentation.

Posted by Ian Jones on 2007-11-16 at 14:37.

- xml.etree.ElementTree has no usage examples. You can find plenty if
you know who the effbot is, but you'd never know from the module doc
page.    - The front page of the logging module doc launches right
into excruciating detail on its own object model, but lists no
benefits it might have over simple 'print' statements. The basic usage
example, which actually is useful, is buried on the third page.    As
with xml.etree, if you were already using the package before it was
included in the standard library (or in this case perhaps Log4J in
Java-land), then you **might** be able to use the stdlib docs as a
reference. But it's not helpful for people who come along later
without that historical context.    - The unittest module, by
comparison, carries a whiff of the same problem but deals with it
somewhat better -- there's a little more intro material, the usage
example is on page 2 instead of page 3, the next few pages are more
about usage than implementation details.

Posted by Kumar McMillan on 2007-11-16 at 16:24.

The compiler module docs are pretty good but still have some "XXX"
notes for where the docs are incomplete or possibly wrong.  Just
thought I'd mention.  <a href="
l"></a> .  Also, it took me a
while to realize that AST stands for Abstract Syntax Tree so that
should be more obvious.

Posted by Jeff McNeil on 2007-11-16 at 19:05.

The logging package can do a whole lot, but it's almost impossible to
get the hang of unless you've worked with log4j and friends.

Posted by Marius Gedminas on 2007-11-17 at 07:12.

* optparse: great module, no examples given by 'pydoc optparse'.    *
re: when you forget the regex syntax details (because every regex
dialect is different), you have to know to 'pydoc sre' instead of re.
* logging: I've nearly given up on this one.    * difflib: useful, but
not intuitive.    * email: when you need non-ASCII text in your
emails, good luck figuring it out.

Posted by Dan on 2007-11-17 at 17:21.

Where the docs seem to break down is where you have major overlap
between different modules. So my 5 would be 2 groups of overlapping
modules:    urllib -- urllib2 -- urlparse  time -- datetime    Without
learning the ins and outs of each module, its hard to work out which
you should be using.     Actually, in both cases, I think the modules
should be combined. It's pretty confusing to have to remember what is
in urllib, what is in urlparse, what is in urllib2.    The re module
makes me want to tear my hair out, but that's the design of the module
more than the docs.

Posted by Doug Hellmann on 2007-11-17 at 18:48.

re - I can never remember the difference between search() and match()
timeit - I haven't actually used it that often, but find the API a
little weird. Why do I pass the text of the code to time, instead of a
callable like a function or method?    optparse - It's not very object
oriented. Why do I give a name for the action, instead of
instantiating different types of option handlers for different
behaviors?    logging - There are so many options. It has great
potential, but I always have to look for an example to get a basic
configuration setup.    bisect - Why isn't this handled as a method of
list? Something like insert_sorted()?    distutils - Don't even get me

Posted by Harry Fuecks on 2007-11-18 at 06:27.

- urllib(2?): is nice for one liners but gives me Tourette's when it
comes to how it automagically decides what proxy server you are using
(vi IE on Win32). No no no no no! Just cause Java does it doesnt make
it right!    - timeit - eval?!?    - itertools - nomenclature is ugly
plus their mere presence leaves me permanently wondering if I've
missed something    - optparse et al - can we explore this path please
- <a href="">http://laurentszys</a>    - unittest - more examples for common use
cases please    - everything under documented - "Oh what version did
you get that nice feature?" - datetime I'm looking at you!

Posted by Richard Moore on 2007-11-18 at 07:53.

Re: Marius Gedminas    I have some examples of how to send emails with
attachments that could be added to the docs, where should such things
get sent?

Posted by Noah Gift on 2007-11-18 at 22:57.

I agree on ConfigParser.

Posted by Fredrik on 2007-11-19 at 14:09.

For me its not so much the any particular lib that bugs me but the
inconsequent naming conventions used in throughout the built-ins and
libs. For example Im always uncertain if its "has_key" or "haskey" for
the dictionary method or  "starts_with" or "startswith" for strings.
Also there is no standard syntax that depicts objects, modules,
functions and methods (e.g. "StringIO.StringIO", "datetime.datetime",
"threading.Thread" etc.).  For me this is the single biggest annoyance
and counts for most of my need to lookup documentation and annoying
runtime exceptions.

Posted by fredrik on 2007-11-19 at 17:25.

For me it's not so much the any particular lib that bugs me but the
inconsequent naming conventions used in throughout the built-ins and
libs. For example I'm always uncertain if it's "has_key" or "haskey"
for the dictionary method or "starts_with" or "startswith" for
strings. Also there is no standard syntax that depicts objects,
modules, functions and methods (e.g. "StringIO.StringIO",
"datetime.datetime", "threading.Thread" etc.). For me this is the
single biggest annoyance and counts for most of my need to lookup
documentation and annoying runtime exceptions.

Posted by Zeroth on 2007-11-20 at 11:27.

The inspect module should have better documentation. It looks like an
awesome module, some great power... except I have no idea where I'd
use it.    There's also optparse, that one's bloody difficult, as
well, distutils. Those are my three.

Posted by Justin Francis on 2007-11-23 at 12:03.

* profile: the vast majority of options in this module are
undocumented. Even the primary entry functions are not documented
enough to use right away without some trial and error   * logging:
it's complicated, and the docs don't have the overview necessary to
understand how to use it, and even many details are missing about each
object type

Posted by Titus Brown on 2007-11-27 at 03:06.

Also see reddit comments,    <a href="

Posted by Titus Brown on 2007-11-28 at 00:29.

See    <a href="
announce.html</a>    for my motivation for this post...

Posted by Chris Lasher on 2007-12-03 at 11:38.

FWIW, I found Python regular expressions quite manageable after
reading through Andrew Kuchling's Regular Expression HOWTO  <a href="h

Comments !
