Conversions between classes in Python

My future colleague, Bill Punch at MSU, is teaching Python to intro CS students. He asks (slightly edited):

In C++, you can write multiple constructors, each one taking a different type and/or number of arguments. Let's say we are writing a RationalNumber class. I could write 2 constructors:

class Rational{
  Rational(int numerator, int denominator);
  Rational (int numerator);
  Rational operator+(Rational r1, Rational r2);

The second constructor acts as an automatic conversion function for integer to Rational, so that the addition operation would work.

Rational r1(1,2);
cout << r1 + 1   /* C++ will call Rational(1), then call the operator+
method, automatically */

In Python, I only get one constructor, __init__. If I want to be able to add an integer and a Rational, I have to do some introspection in the __add__ function and deal with it there, as below

class Rational:
  def __init__(self,n,d=1): self.n= n; self.d=d
  def __add__(self,other):
     if isinstance(other,int):   # int case
        val = Rational(other)
        val = other  # rational case the add...

For commutativity, I also add radd. I THINK that's all correct.

So what if I want to write conversion operations. I can write a __float__(self) in Rational to convert a Rational to self. But that will not solve the following:

r1 + 1.5

that is, python won't/can't figure out to convert r1 to a float so the operation can proceed. Is that correct? However, the following will work

float(r1) + 1.5

Finally, let's say I write a container class. I want to be able to convert it to a list (for whatever reason). If I make the new class iterable, I can call list() on it, but again it won't automatically convert, as in

[1,2,3] + myContainerInstance

but it will

[1,2,3] + list(myContainerInstance)

There is a coerce operator, __coerce__ but it appears to be deprecated in 2.5 and unavailable in 3.0. So there was some reason to have it at one time and it is now abandoned.

Back to me:

Now, my immediate response is snarky and unhelpful: I've rarely needed this functionality, and when I do need it, I simply do the conversions explicitly. But I can understand his point, for example, in the context of his last example: extending lists.

Frankly, it's not very duck-y of Python to respond to this:

class X:
    internal = [5,6,7,8]
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.internal[i]

x = X()

l = [1,2,3]
print l + x


TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "instance") to list

(It does this for tuple, too, leading me to believe that it is not my failed implementation of X that is the problem. And if I subclass list, the concatenation fails silently.)

So anyway, back to type coercions and implicit type conversions: I haven't found anything obvious about __coerce__ being dropped, and it was always a bit confusing to me.

It seems to me like the basic idea is that duck typing should be sufficient, and where it's not you're SOL.

So, err, what do I say? Any advice?


Legacy Comments

Posted by Konrad on 2007-12-09 at 07:42.

Inheritance from the list is what's you're looking for:    class
X(list):    pass    x = X([1, 2, 3, 4])  y = [1, 2, 3] + x    print x,
y      You can also send some additional arguments to the constructor:
class X(list):    def <em>_init_</em>(self, data, some_other_arg):
list.<em>_init_</em>(self, data)    self.some_attribute =
some_other_arg      x = X([1, 2, 3, 4], 'bruce')  y = [1, 2, 3] + x
print x, x.some_attribute, y

Posted by Niki on 2007-12-09 at 09:00.

two things:    first:    a = [1,2,3];b = (4,5);a.extend(b)    works
second: explicit is better than implicit

Posted by Andre Roberge on 2007-12-09 at 09:07.

Try having a look at the code here:  <a href="
dules/?id=17"></a>    Disclaimer:
I have not used it myself ;-)

Posted by pawnhearts on 2007-12-09 at 09:33.

hm..  <pre>  class X:    def <em>_init_</em>(self,data=[]):
self._data=data    def <em>_getitem_</em>(self,i):    return
self._data[i]    def <em>_add_</em>(self,y):    return self._data+y
</pre>    In [9]: x=X(range(10))  In [10]: x[:5]  Out[10]: [0, 1, 2,
3, 4]  In [11]: x+[1,2]  Out[11]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2]
u could also return X(blabla) instead of lists  also there is a
UserList module, which you can take as a base

Posted by Alec Thomas on 2007-12-09 at 09:44.

Multi-methods [1] sound like the "Pythonic" way of solving this.
The <em>_add_</em> would then become:    @multimethod(int)  def
coerce(val):    return Rational(val)    @multimethod(float)  def
coerce(val):    ...    return Rational(...)    class Rational(object):
...    def <em>_add_</em>(self, other):    val = coerce(other)    ...
Note that the linked-to multi-method implementation will only handle
functions, not methods, thus the global "coerce" function. This could
easily be fixed.    [1] <a href="

Posted by ido on 2007-12-09 at 11:37.

you can move the conversion into the <em>_radd_</em> method:    class
X:    def <em>_init_</em>(self):    self.internal = [5,6,7,8]    def
<em>_getitem_</em>(self, i):    return self.internal[i]    def
<em>_radd_</em>(self, other):    r = X()    r.internal += list(other)
return r    def <em>_str_</em>(self):    return str(self.internal)
x = X()  l = [1,2,3]  print l + x  print x + x

Posted by she on 2007-12-09 at 12:45.

duck typing means more, it means that you no longer even **want** to
care about types (and their associated behaviour set)    I think what
will rock the world will be GUI components which can be reshaped and
reused with great use. No more stupid dedicated text-edit widget
alone, we could get a nicer abstraction on "edit binary graphics"...
i.e. a gimp in a scripting language    But i guess that will take more

Posted by Jeremy Bowers on 2007-12-09 at 13:53.

Coercion: I think this is a case of Python's "Explicit is better than
implicit". 1 + 1.5 working in Python is really more of an exception
and a concession to practicality than the way Python directly works.
Personally, I wouldn't write a Computer Algebra System in Python. (In
fact, I am writing a bit of a CAS and I'm not writing it in Python,
even though the rest of the system will be Python (Django).)    There
may be a way around this, I'm not thinking about this to the n-th
degree, but whatever that way is, it probably isn't appropriate for an
introductory class. You've tried the obvious ways, from what I can
see.    <em>_coerce_</em> was abandoned because IIRC it was mind-
bogglingly complicated when you really got down to it, frequently
resulting in "a + b" having radically different results than "b + a",
which should not be. I recall some "gotcha" discussions on the topic
and the take-away lesson was "don't do that", which is probably why it
got dropped.    Iterators: Iterators aren't lists, and this is another
place where Python is going to refuse to automatically coerce
something that probably shouldn't be coerced. If you want to
concatenate two (or more) iterators into a composite iterator, you can
use <a href="
functions.html">itertools.chain</a>. If you want a list, you'll have
to make a list out of the iterator. Again, in an introductory
environment, calling "list" explicitly and perhaps not dealing with
iterators at all is probably the right answer.    One difference with
an iterator is that you can affect it "in flight"; for instance, it is
easy to create an iterator that goes over a tree/graph and allows a
consumer to tell the iterator whether to descend into the children or
not. Official support for this was added in 2.5 (IIRC), but it was
little more than official and centralized syntax for something you
were always able to do (although it seems to me many people didn't
catch on to the fact it was always possible). A list, on the other
hand, is what it is.     By calling list(iterator), you are actually
committing to a certain semantic action, namely, taking the iterator
as-is with no further interaction. You do need that additional
specification before "adding an iterator to a list" really makes
sense. Otherwise, [1, 2, 3] + iterator could just as easily be
interpreted as adding "iterator" to the list as the fourth element,
something that may also be a reasonable thing to do.

Posted by theeth on 2007-12-09 at 15:58.

Subclassing list seems to work ok, contrary to what you said.    class
X(list):    pass    print X((2, 3, 4)) + [1,2,3]    worked correctly
in Py 2.4.4    It might be possible to "cheat" a bit, using add and
accessing the class of the second operand, like this:    class X:
def <em>_init_</em>(self, l):    self.l = list(l)    def
<em>_add_</em>(self, other):    return other.<em>_class_</em>(self) +
other      def <em>_getitem_</em>(self, i):    return self.l[i]    def
<em>_len_</em>(self):    return len(self.l)      def
<em>_str_</em>(self):    return str(self.l)      def
<em>_int_</em>(self):    return len(self)    print X((2, 3, 4)) +
[1,2,3]  print X((1,2,3)) + "foo"  print X((1,2,3)) + 2    All of
those return what would be expected.

Posted by Brett on 2007-12-09 at 16:32.

In either case, I would just call the conversion in the <em>_add_</em>
method and thus use EAFP.  If all attempts to use acceptabe interfaces
or conversions fail then raise NotImplemented.    Basically you just
want to be positive and assume the user is doing something reasonable.
So try all the reasonable assumptions you want in your code, and then
fail if the user made a bad assumption.

Posted by Steve Wedig on 2007-12-09 at 16:45.

Hey Titus, this is Steve from the socal-pug (haven't attended
recently). I gave the PyJS talk. This is an interesting question.    I
agree with your original snarky response, implicit conversion goes
against Python Zen and type safety. By default, objects of different
types shouldn't be promoted to a more general shared type. Sometimes
it is useful though. str/unicode and int/float come to mind.     I
think your friend conceptually wants Rational to subclass the Float
class. This makes sense, because classes are sets of objects, and
subclassing is the subset relationship. The rationals are indeed a
subset of the floats. Similarly, ints are a subset of both rationals
and floats. So at the interface level, everything you can do with a
Float you can do with an Int, but not visa versa. So from at a
type/interface level, it makes sense to have this subtype chain: Int
&lt; Rational &lt; Float.    Your friend could define class Rational
(float), and the type system would allow implicit conversions to float
(the shared base class). However there is a problem. Your friend wants
Rational to inherit Float's type/interface, but not it's
implementation. Rationals are internally reperesented by a nominator
&amp; demoninator, not an internal C++ floating point. I don't think
Python supports such fine grained inheritance. So I think your friend
has to either give up on implicit conversions, or to maintain both the
rational and float internal representations. Here's how that code
might look:    class Rational(float):          def
<em>_init_</em>(self, nom, denom):                  self.nom = nom
self.denom = denom                  super(Rational,
self).<em>_init_</em>( float(nom) / denom )    This is far from
perfect, but I think it could theoretically be made to work. Except it
doesn't work in my version of Python (mac 2.4). float's constructor
takes only one arg which must be a string or a number. Python seems to
enforce this for subclasses of float as well, which surprises me. This
is apparently a case where subclassing from built-in types doesn't
work the same way as normal subclassing.    Your friend could get
around this by not using the constructor, but that could be a pain:
class Rat(float):          @staticmethod          def create(nom,
denom):                  f = float(nom) / denom                  r =
Rat(f)                  r.nom = nom                  r.denom = denom
return r                            def <em>_add_</em>(s, x):
if isinstance(x, Rat):                          return s._rat_add(x)
return super(Rat, s).<em>_add_</em>(x)                    def
_rat_add(s, x):                  nom = s.nom * x.denom + x.nom *
s.denom                  denom = s.denom * x.denom
nom, denom = rat_reduce(s, nom, denom)                  return
Rat.create(nom, denom)    # testing it out...    x = Rat.create(10, 5)
print x, type(x)    y = x + 1.5  print y, type(y)    z = x + x  print
z, type(z)

Posted by Stephen on 2007-12-09 at 16:45.

The problem is the desire for implicit conversion, which goes against
the way that Python works.    <a href="
read=7590</a>    The answer is just "automatic, implicit conversions
are not how Python does things", I think.    The idea is that duck
typing should be sufficient, and where it's not you convert into
compatible types explicitly.

Posted by Liam Clarke on 2007-12-09 at 17:18.

I'd suggest to your colleague that he try "import this", as it shows
the design philosophies of Python - one of which is a preference for
the explicit over the implicit.     Further, am I correct that he
wishes Python to infer how to convert his class to a float? Is that
really a realistic wish? Why can he not add the desired behaviour to
his <em>_add_</em> method?    With regards to your class X, why not
make it an iterator and use list.extend()?    Forgive the following if
it turns out icky, I'm hoping you have pre tags enabled:
&lt;pre&gt;  &gt;&gt;&gt; class X:  ...     internal = [5,6,7,8]  ...
def <em>_iter_</em>(self):  ...             return self  ...     def
next(self):  ...             if self.internal:  ...
a = self.internal[0]  ...                     self.internal =
self.internal[1:]  ...                     return a  ...
else:  ...                     raise StopIteration  ...
&gt;&gt;&gt; c = X()  &gt;&gt;&gt; for i in c:  ...     print i  ...
5  6  7  8  &gt;&gt;&gt; c  &lt;<em>_main_</em>.X instance at
0x00C6CDA0&gt;  &gt;&gt;&gt;  Traceback (most recent call
last):    File "&lt;interactive input&gt;", line 1, in &lt;module&gt;
File "&lt;interactive input&gt;", line 11, in next  StopIteration
&gt;&gt;&gt; c = X()  &gt;&gt;&gt; y = ()  &gt;&gt;&gt; y = []
&gt;&gt;&gt; y.extend(c)  &gt;&gt;&gt; y  [5, 6, 7, 8]  &gt;&gt;&gt;
class X:  ...     internal = [5,6,7,8]  ...     i = 0  ...     limit =
len(internal)  ...     def <em>_iter_</em>(self):  ...
return self  ...     def next(self):  ...             if self.i &lt;
self.limit:  ...                     a = self.internal[self.i]  ...
&gt;&gt;&gt; class X:  ...     internal = [5,6,7,8]  ...     i = 0
...     limit = len(internal)  ...  ...     def <em>_iter_</em>(self):
...             return self  ...  ...     def next(self):  ...
if self.i &lt; self.limit:  ...                     a =
self.internal[self.i]  ...                     self.i += 1  ...
return a  ...             else:  ...                     raise
StopIteration  ...               &gt;&gt;&gt; x = X()  &gt;&gt;&gt; l
= [1,2,3]  &gt;&gt;&gt; l + x  Traceback (most recent call last):
File "&lt;interactive input&gt;", line 1, in &lt;module&gt;
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "instance") to list
&gt;&gt;&gt; l.extend(x)  &gt;&gt;&gt; print l  [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8]
&lt;/pre&gt;    I agree that DWIM is preferable in any language, but
Guido van Rossum made a decision that implicit coercion was bad, and
so Python doesn't have it.

Posted by Titus Brown on 2007-12-09 at 17:31.

Thanks, everyone, for your comments.  Very useful, thanks!
Regarding subclassing list: if I take the code example I posted (with
the '<em>_getitem_</em>' and <em>_len_</em> minimum list-like
interface) and make X inherit from list, + doesn't work.  Frankly, it
should work either way!    I agree that explicit is better than
implicit, although better people than me have pointed out that there's
an unwritten codicil to that, which is "except when it isn't" -- I
have to go find that article.  To argue, for example, that "for x in
y" (with all of the multiple things that 'y' can be) doesn't involve a
lot of implicit manipulation seems wrong ;)    Jeremy, esp., thanks!

Posted by Liam Clarke on 2007-12-09 at 17:39.

&gt; To argue, for example, that "for x in y" (with all of the
multiple things that 'y' can be) doesn't involve a lot of implicit
manipulation seems wrong ;)    Not really. no matter what y contains,
it is an object that implements <em>_iter_</em>() and next() and
raises StopIteration when there is nothing further to iterate over.
Otherwise "for x in y" will fail. There's no conversions or coercions
required or being done.

Posted by Felix on 2007-12-09 at 19:35.

implicit conversions are ok when they're standard and everyone knows
them.  so, implicit conversions in the base language are ok.  (but
complex rules still cause problems, such as unsignedness in C.)
user-defined implicit conversions look attractive in toy examples, but
they cause problems in large projects, because they increase the
chance that you misunderstand what a particular line of code does.
also I'd argue: if your code looks cleaner with implicit type
conversions, then you're doing something wrong.  type conversions tend
to be expensive operations, and you generally want to do them as
little as possible.  the standard conversions are the ones that can be
done cheaply.

Posted by theeth on 2007-12-09 at 21:48.

&gt; Regarding subclassing list: if I take the code example I posted
(with the '<em>getitem</em>' and <em>len</em> minimum list-like
interface) and make X inherit from list, + doesn't work.    There's a
good reason why that won't work. It uses <em>_add_</em> from the base
class (list) which refers to the its own list storage, so it ends up
adding an empty list with your literal. If you inherit from list, it
rightly assumes that you're using the base class storage (especially
when using base class methods).

Comments !
