IPython Notebook -- screencast

At PyCon 2012, I took a tutorial on the IPython Notebook, which I'd already been using for a month or two (ever since Wes McKinney (the author of pandas) introduced me to it). The tutorial blew me away -- these guys have done a great job with the notebook so far, and it looks like it's going to keep on improving at a really fast rate.

At Greg Wilson's urging, I'd already committed to doing a screencast of ipynb. I was even more enthusiastic about the idea after sitting through the tutorial. So, without further ado -- here it is!


Note -- the Amazon EC2 AMI used for this is available publicly as ami-74d00c1d. The IPython Notebook password is 'gadzooks'.

You can download the intro notebook I adapted for the screencast here:




p.s. I mention StarCluster in passing -- it's a great scientist-oriented command line tool for working with EC2.

Legacy Comments

Posted by Matt on 2012-03-13 at 20:44.

Thanks for the demo! I'd like to recycle it but I am getting an
"Invalid JSON data" error when I try to import your notebook.

Posted by Titus Brown on 2012-03-15 at 12:00.

Matt, you're probably using an old version of ipython notebook; my
ipynb isn't compatible with 0.12.  Sorry :)

Comments !
