1. Some advice on niche OSS projects

    A local friend asked for advice on her OSS project, because her boss is questioning the value of making things OSS. Here's my rambling reply, preserved for posterity:

    There are several de facto models of open source at this level (the
    small niche projects level, that is).
    The first is …
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  2. My final Web Panel proposal (submitted)

    I'll edit http://us.pycon.org/TX2007/WebFrameworksPanel as I update things, but here's the proposal I submitted:

    • Zope (?)
    • CherryPy (Robert Brewer)
    • TurboGears (Kevin Dangoor?)
    • Django (Adrian Holovarty?)
    • Pylons (Ben Bangert?
    • Quixote (Neil?)
    • Twisted web (?)
    • web.py (Aaron Swartz?)
    2 minute presentation by each representative, introducing:
    • point of framework …
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  3. Spammers are funny.

    So, I wrote a custom plugin called 'ocomments' that uses an SQLAlchemy- based database API to assign cookies to users who make comments. That way I can control who has automatic posting access (anyone who posts a sensible message, basically) and who doesn't. I can also toggle comment visibility on …

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  4. E-mail notification via Jabber/iChat

    A simple program to get pinged whenever you get new e-mail:

    #! /usr/bin/env python
    import sys, email
    from pyxmpp.jid import JID
    from pyxmpp.jabber.simple import send_message
    inp = sys.stdin.read()
    message = email.message_from_string(inp)
    jid = 'someid@xmpp.us'
    password, recpt = 'XXXXX', 'otherid@xmpp.us'
    jid = JID(jid …
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  5. Chairing a Web Panel at PyCon

    After learning from Jeff Rush that no one had volunteered (yet) to organize a panel on Web technologies, I stepped up to the plate. I've also submitted a talk proposal about twill/scotch/figleaf and (with Grig) I'm going to submit a proposal for a testing tutorial, so attendees may …

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