1. Lazyweb query: CloudStore (or KosmosFS)

    Does anyone have any experience with CloudStore, formerly known as KosmosFS? From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CloudStore:

    CloudStore (KFS, previously Kosmosfs) is Kosmix's C++ implementation of
    Google File System. ... CloudStore supports incremental scalability,
    replication, checksumming for data integrity, client side fail-over and access
    from C++, Java and Python.

    The …

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  2. Easily Accessible Web-Based Tools For Analyzing Next-Generation Sequencing Data From Agricultural Animals

    Just submitted this on Thursday:

    Next generation sequencers are beginning to impact agricultural biology. Over the next few years, next generation sequencing will produce incredibly large datasets that will address structural (e.g., SNPs, CNVs, indels, methylation, translocations) and functional (e.g., RNA expression, transcription factor binding sites) variation in …
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