Detecting microbial contamination in long-read assemblies (from known microbes) Using sourmash to find candidate contaminants read more There are comments.
Communicating outside of big consortia is tough! (but important!) It's hard enough to keep people inside informed... read more There are comments.
Open-source style community engagement for the Data Commons Pilot Phase Consortium Keeping the Data Commons community coordinated and engaged read more There are comments.
Increasing transparency in postdoc hiring and on-boarding A few thoughts about interviewing with Titus read more There are comments.
Pydoit, snakemake, and workflows-as-applications Writing applications around workflow systems read more There are comments.
My approach to community building and coordination How do you grow community? Slowly and carefully. read more There are comments.
Do software and data products advance biology more than papers? Software and data good. read more There are comments.