1. A first science fair

    So my daughter just participated in her first science fair, at the age of 6. ("Conclusion: science can be fun! and sticky!")

    Over dinner, my wife and I came up with some ideas for her next fair. She was having trouble dissolving sugar in ice water, so we suggested maybe …

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  2. Imagine...

    Links, software, thoughts -- all solicited! Add 'em below or send 'em to me, t@idyll.org.


    Imagine... a rolling 48 hour hackathon, internationally teleconferenced, on reproducing analyses in preprints and papers. Each room of contributors could hack on things collaboratively while awake, then pass it on to others in overlapping …

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  3. Notes for my PyCon 2014 talk: Instrument ALL the things: Studying data-intensive workflows in the cloud


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