Introduction: Testing Python Web applications using twill and wsgi_intercept

Originally posted at

One of the thorniest problems in GUI application development is how to test your user interface. Web applications, as a specific and somewhat limited example of a GUI, are no exception to this problem. However, there are several options for testing Web applications now available. One of my favorites is twill, a remote HTTP driver application that lets you script Web sites. (Disclaimer: I am the primary author of twill, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt ;).

twill implements a simple scripting language and emulates a command-line browser. With twill, you can visit URLs, follow links, fill out forms, log in and log out, deal with cookies, and follow redirects. Because twill is written in Python, you can also script it completely from within Python. And, because twill accurately emulates the HTTP behavior of a browser, it's good for both screen-scraping Web sites you don't control, and testing Web sites that you do control. Note that twill does have a big flaw in this regard: it cannot understand JavaScript. This is why "browser drivers" like Selenium and PAMIE are required for testing AJAX applications. However, there are tradeoffs. One positive tradeoff is that twill can run in a completely automated manner and has no browser dependencies, which makes it particularly suitable for unit tests.

Unit tests are a useful type of testing because they're generally simple, test discrete components of the source code, and are automated. Because unit tests are automated, there is little or no cost to running them, which means developers can test their code after even minor changes. This can lead to a very fluid style of development in which major refactorings are thoroughly tested at each step.

Using twill for unit tests brings in a new problem, however: the setup and teardown of the Web site. This is true not just for twill but for any other HTTP driver, such as urllib2, webtest, webunit, mechanize, mechanoid, and zope.testbrowser: you still have to set up your development Web site to serve pages, so that it looks and behaves like your real site. In practice, this breaks down into multiple sub-problems:

Each of these is its own tricky problem. (What if the port is already bound? What if your server is slow today?) Moreover, proper profiling and code coverage testing of the Web application become considerably more complicated when you're dealing with multiple processes and "real, live" Web applications.

This is moderately complex stuff to script, and it's pretty daunting to get it all working in a unit test framework (at least for me!). Plus, having a more complicated test setup than most of the individual tests seems like a bad design choice. While actually deploying a test Web site is necessary to properly test a Web app, for your unit tests it's almost certainly overkill. But what other options are there, you might ask?

Well, after a suggestion from Ian Bicking, I implemented an in-process test harness for WSGI applications, called wsgi_intercept. wsgi_intercept lets you redirect HTTP calls directly into any WSGI-compliant application, bypassing the network. With wsgi_intercept, you don't need to bind any sockets or connect to the network at all in order to talk to your Web application from twill. However, because wsgi_intercept acts at a low level -- the redirection occurs in httplib -- your application looks and feels like it is actually being called via HTTP. This can considerably simplify the testing process. (Testing aficionados may recognize this technique as building a "mock network interface".)

twill comes with full wsgi_intercept integration, of course -- and you can find hooks and examples for all of the other Python Web testing frameworks at the wsgi_intercept page. So how does it work in practice?

Roughly speaking, you need to do the following:

Below, I walk through setting up nose-based unit testing of two simple applications -- a Quixote application, and a CherryPy application. In both cases most of the complexity is in putting the start/stop calls in the correct order.

In Practice: Testing a Quixote application using twill and wsgi_intercept

You'll need Quixote 2.3 for this, as well as nose 0.8.x and twill 0.8.2.

For Quixote, let's test the mini_demo application that comes with Quixote 2.x. Unfortunately, Quixote doesn't (yet?) come with a WSGI interface; however, there's an adapter available as wsgi_server.QWIP. So we'll need, as well as Quixote 2.x and nose.

First, create a test file; I'll just call it ''. Let's start by roughing out a nose unit test:

class TestMiniDemo:
   def setUp(self):

   def tearDown(self):

Now, the Quixote Publisher object we want to test is returned by quixote.demo.mini_demo.create_publisher(). We need to dynamically create a function that creates the publisher, wraps it as a WSGI object, and then returns that same object each time it's called:

publisher = quixote.demo.mini_demo.create_publisher()
wsgi_app = wsgi_server.QWIP(publisher)

fn = lambda : wsgi_app

If we put this in the setUp function, we have what we need. The only tricky bit is caching the application object. Why do we need to do this? Well, the function passed into wsgi_intercept is called once for each intercepted connection, but we only want to create the WSGI app object once. By storing the app object in a dictionary that persists for the lifetime of the dynamically defined function, we essentially memoize the WSGI application object. (I'm not thrilled with this particular approach: let me know if you have a better way of doing this.)

OK, once we have this function, we need to install it to handle requests to localhost:8080, and then we're ready. Our final setUp function looks like this:

def setUp(self):
   # create a publisher obj
   publisher = quixote.demo.mini_demo.create_publisher()

   # wrap
   wsgi_app = QWIP(publisher)

   # install the app at localhost:8080 for wsgi_intercept
   twill.add_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 8080, lambda : wsgi_app)

   # while we're at it, stop twill from running off at the mouth...
   self.outp = StringIO()

The tearDown function is much simpler: we just need to remove the intercept, and then clear the Quixote publisher object.

def tearDown(self):
   # remove intercept
   twill.remove_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 8080)

   # clear out the publisher
   quixote.publish._publisher = None

...and now we're ready for a test or two! I'll define two: one to test the main page, and the other to test the link.

def test_welcome(self):
   script = "find 'Welcome to the Quixote demo'\n"
   twill.execute_string(script, initial_url='http://localhost:8080/')

def test_hello(self):
   script = """\
follow link
find 'Hello world!'
   twill.execute_string(script, initial_url='http://localhost:8080/')

Briefly, these scripts both go to 'localhost:8080'; the first script makes sure that it can find specific text on the front page, while the second script tests the result of following the front page link to a 'Hello world' page. (Longer scripts can go in their own file, and execute_file can be used to run them.)

Putting it all together with the correct import statements -- you can download the final file if you like -- and running nosetests, you get:

% nosetests
Ran 2 tests in 0.381s


So everything works! Huzzah! (If you want to reassure yourself that it's actually running the tests through the Web application break a test by changing the 'find' statements to something else; see, they really are being run. ;)

In Practice: Testing a CherryPy application using twill and wsgi_intercept

You'll need CherryPy 2.1.1 for this, along with nose 0.8.x and twill 0.8.2 (the very latest).

For CherryPy, let's test the "Hello, world!" application that is included in the tutorial code. The magic incantations to get a WSGI app object out of CherryPy are not so tricky:

import cherrypy
from cherrypy.tutorial.tut01_helloworld import HelloWorld

# set up the root object
cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()

# initialize
cherrypy.server.start(initOnly=True, serverClass=None)

# get WSGI app.
from cherrypy._cpwsgi import wsgiApp

where 'wsgiApp' is the final application object we wanted.

Starting with a '' containing a simple framework for a nose unit test,

class TestHelloWorld:
   def setUp(self):

   def tearDown(self):

we can fill in the setUp function as before:

def setUp(self):
   # configure cherrypy to be quiet ;)
   cherrypy.config.update({ "server.logToScreen" : False })

   # create root & set up the server.
   cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
   cherrypy.server.start(initOnly=True, serverClass=None)

   # get WSGI app.
   from cherrypy._cpwsgi import wsgiApp

   # install the app at localhost:8080 for wsgi_intercept
   twill.add_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 8080, lambda : wsgiApp)

   # while we're at it, snarf twill's output.
   self.outp = StringIO()

and the tearDown function is virtually identical to the Quixote example:

def tearDown(self):
  # remove intercept.
  twill.remove_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 8080)

   # shut down the cherrypy server.

This application is a bit simpler than the Quixote mini demo, so let's just build one test function:

def test_hello(self):
   script = "find 'Hello world!'"
   twill.execute_string(string, initial_url='http://localhost:8080/')

and when we run it, voila! it all works:

% nosetests
Ran 1 test in 0.289s


Conclusions and Caveats

This code is all still quite young, but it works! Please remember that that you do need to run some tests on a live site -- twill can be used for sites without much JavaScript, while Selenium is probably the way to go for anything more complicated. Still, using twill and wsgi_intercept to run tests in-process is relatively simple and straightforward, and I think it can be a very useful component of your Web app development process.

It can be very convenient to test Web apps this way. The biggest convenience, for me, is that I can avoid all the complicated setup stuff. A close second is that code coverage analysis, profiling, and even debugging can all run within your unit tests, because everything is in-process. And a third is that unit tests run this way seem to run quite a bit faster, perhaps because there's no setup/teardown of the Web server.

If you have any suggestions, corrections, or explications, please send them on to me at I'll acknowledge them appropriately, I promise! I would also be interested in examples for other Python Web frameworks; right now I only use CherryPy and Quixote myself. (Note that Michael Twomey has also posted an example for Django.)


Software Links

twill Web browsing language:

Quixote Web application framework:

CherryPy Web application framework:

nose unit testing framework:

Mike Orr's WSGI wrapper for Quixote:

(The file itself is included in the source distribution for this article.)

Source distribution for this article:

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